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When we finished all of our subjects we went to the parking lot.

"What about let's practice to our house"-jennie unnie said.

"No rest?"-Y/n asked her.

"Y/n you're so lazy"-Winter said to her.

"You can say that because i really wanted to sleep when we arrive"
-Y/n said.

"Let's go then, so you can rest"-Rosé unnie said to her.

"Guys we will wait tonight at our house"-Jisoo unnie said.

"Overnight?"-Giselle asked.

"Yes"-Jisoo unnie answered.

"Bye guys"-Lisa unnie said then they left.

"Oh i guess this will be our second time going there"-Lia said.

Yeah the first time we went there was Jisoo and Rosé unnie's engagement party.

"Tss you just wanted to see y/n" -Ryujin said to her.

"I know that i don't have any chance of winning to you when i argue back,  so yeah i'll just shut my mouth"-Lia said.

"Let's go already"-I said then we left.

When we arrived at our house i went to my room and changed my clothes.

When we arrived at our house i went to my room and changed my clothes

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"Wow my unnie is prepared"-Yuna said and i just rolled my eyes.

"Attitude?"-Soobin asked.

"Gay?"-I asked.

"Let's go before Karina kill soobin"
-huening kai said then we left.

When we arrived we saw Lisa unnie so we went near her then entered their house.

When we arrived we saw Lisa unnie so we went near her then entered their house

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"Y/n practice time"-Jisoo unnie said.

"She's sleeping"-Rosé unnie said.

"She really doesn't want to practice"
-Winter said.

"I will wake her up"-Jennie unnie said then left.

After a few moments jennie unnie got back.

"She will be here soon"-Jennie unnie said.

"I really appreciate, waking me up using a loud speaker and place it on my ear"-Y/n said to her.

"I can't wake you up even if i slap you or pinch you, so i don't have any choice"-Jennie unnie said to her

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"I can't wake you up even if i slap you or pinch you, so i don't have any choice"-Jennie unnie said to her.

"But you almost give me a heart attack"-Y/n said to her.

"Mianhe"-Jennie unnie said to her and hugged her.

"Okay let's start"-Rosé unnie said.

"Can we take a rest?"-Y/n asked.

"Y/n we will just about to start"-Yeji said to her.

"It's not my problem plus i will just play the guitar"-Y/n said then left.

"Don't worry, she will just going to get her guitar"-Lisa unnie said.

"I'M BACK PEOPLE!!"-Y/n shout causing all of us startled and she sat infront of me.

"Yah why are you shouting?!"-Jisoo unnie asked her.

"Nothing i just want to"-Y/n answered.

"So let's start"-I said.

After a few times of practicing the two songs, our friend started to rest and eat snacks.

"So i guess it's our part that we will be practicing now"-Y/n said and i just nod at her then she started to strum the guitar so i started singing.

While i'm singing i'm looking at her eyes she's also doing the same thing while strumming the guitar.

"If all it is, is eight letters"-We sang together as Y/n ended strumming, but we're still looking at each other's eyes.

"Yah!"-Someone shouted that made us startled.

"What the hell!"-Y/N said then stand up.

"I'm proud of you"-Jisoo unnie said.

"I'm out of here"-Y/N said then left.

"I prefer her than jeno"-Lia said.

"Agree"-My friends said in unison.

"Who's this jeno?"-Jennie unnie asked.

"Karina unnie's suitor"-Yuna answered.

"I've heard that name before"-Lisa unnie said.

"Btw that practice we saw is perfect"
-Rosé unnie said.

Oh yeah i forgot that we're still here in their house, because i lost at Y/n's eyes.

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