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Y/n was about to leave with Chiara but Moonbyul called her then Y/n dragged Chiara towards them and sat down.

"Leave now and never court Karina again"-Rosé said to kai while Jisoo is wearing her mask and glasses.

"She's Chan's mom?"-Y/n whispered asked Moonbyul.

"Ne, wae?"-Moonbyul asked her.

"Nothing"-Y/n answered sadly.

"Come on, it's not like Chan's Dad will comeback"-Kai said.

"Wait, where's Chan's dad?"-Y/n asked in her mind.

"Don't you ever mention her father's name here"-Jisoo said to him but Y/n didn't recognized her.

"What? Maybe her father can't accept Chantria that's why her father left them"-Kai said and this time Y/n had enough hearing Kai's statement about chantria's father.

"You know, you can't just judge someone without knowing the story and the reason"-Y/n said in a deep voice that made them gulped.

"You even hurted Chantria, and then you will court her mom, you can't even accept and love her daughter. You're just a boy and you never acted like a man. You're already an adult, but you're still acting like a kid that his parents didn't bought the toy he wanted"-Y/n added.

"And why would i listen to you?"-Kai asked her.

"Oh why would i answer that if you already listened in every word that came out from my mouth"-Y/n said then Kai walked towards her.

"Do you want me to kill you?"-Kai asked her.

"Wow, i'm scared super SCARED"
-Y/n said to him emphasizing the word scared.

The people inside the meeting room is just listening to them while Harrison covered Chiara's ear same as Yeji and Lia to Chantria and Seb.

"You see, Killing me is like a present for me"-Y/n said and leaned to Kai's ear.

"So you better leave because you're messing the wrong person. I almost die and let see if you can survive if i will make you fall from the bridge"
-Y/n added then Kai immediately left the room.

"I'm sorry for what you just saw"-Lisa said to her.

"So does the meeting is done?"-Y/n asked them but she's still wearing her mask.

"Yes, the only thing is not done is for the both of you to sign this, so our company's partnership will be official"-Rosé answered.

"Okay, where is it?"-Moonbyul asked her.

"Here"-Jennie answered and handed them the papers.

"Tell me the details later"-Y/n whispered to Moonbyul and she just nod at her then Moonbyul signed the papers same as Y/n.

"Then you also need to sign this"-Y/n said and handed Lisa the papers.

"Don't you trust us?"-Karina asked her in a cold tone.

"I have trust issues"-Y/n said to her coldly that made them gulped.

"You didn't told me that you're friend is a cold person"-Winter whispered to Moonbyul.

"She's not that cold when we're talking to someone she's actually being nice to them but you welcomed her with that scene, so i won't be confused why she's acting like that"
-Moonbyul whispered back.

"Okay, we will sign this"-Rosé said while Jisoo is just staring at Y/n.

"Thank you for your cooperation"
-Y/n said and they're about to leave but Jisoo spoke.

"I'm not going to make a mistake recognizing my sister"-Jisoo said in her mind.

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