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When Yooji said that the self defense thing we're working is done we just went to the cafeteria.

"Why are you still standing there Yooji?"-I asked her.

"Nothing"-Yooji answeed then i saw Jeno entered the cafeteria so i pulled Yooji and she sat at my lap.

"Then sit here"-I said to her.

"Or you just saw Jeno entering the cafeteria"-Yooji said.

"Are you jealous?"-I asked her.

"If you saw my face is close to someone's face what will you feel?"-Yooji asked.

"What if i went to Jeno and place my face close to his face?"-Yooji asked.

"Like this?"-Jeno asked and leaned his face close to Yooji so i pushed him.

"Don't you dare lean your face to her"-I said to him.

"Threantened? You should be i can sna-

Jeno didn't finished his statement when i suddenly punched him hard.

"Try it but i won't be the only one who will punch you if you will do that"-i said to him.

"Let's go"-I said to my friends and about to leave

"O- what happened to you?"-Somi asked and behind her is Soyeon.

"I saw an asshole"-I said then left the cafeteria.


All of us got schocked when Y/n suddenly punched Jeno but no one dares to help him stand up.

"Oh he's the asshole"-Somi said.

"Let's help him stand up"-Huening kai said but jackson stopped him.

"Let him, he's not learning his lesson but someday he will"-jackson said then left with Y/n friends

"Let's follow them"-I said to them and they just nod at me then we left the cafeteria.

While we're finding Y/n and her friends we saw Bambam and Haruto so we went near them.

"Hey did you guys saw Y/n"-I asked them.

"Oh yeah in the field, actually were going there"-Bambam answered.

"Okay let's go there"-Winter said then we went to the field.

When we're near we saw Y/n lying down, while the others are playing baseball, it's not sunny it's cloudy.

"Y/n you're next"-Heeseung said to her.

"No she might lost the ball"-Jay said.

"Then find it"-jake said.

"Just play, don't mind me here"-Y/n said while lying down, so i went near her and laid at the top of her.

"Oh Yooji what are you doing here?"-Y/n asked me.

"Why, don't you want me here?"-I asked her.

"What about Jeno?"-Y/n asked.

"You're my girlfriend why would i be with him?"-I asked her.

"Hey lovers no live porn here"-Ryujin said then me and Y/n glaed at her.

"Don't mind her Yeji just influenced her"-Lia said.

"Yah! I'm behaving here and you just mentioned me in that kind of conversation?"-Yeki asked her in disbelief.

"Well that's true"-Giselle said.

"Yah! I'm not doing anything wrong here"-Yeji said to them.

"It's okay Yeddeong"-Ryujin said to her.

"Yooji"-Y/n called me so i looked at her.

"I hope you and me will be like Jisoo and Rosé unnie"-Y/n said.

"Can be forever and have a family with you"-Y/n added.

"Don't worry Y/n no matter what happen the only person that i will love is you"-I said to her and pecked her lips.

"I love you Yooji"-Y/n said then kissed my forehead.

"I love you too Y/n/n"-I said to her and rest my head to her neck.

Definitely You. (Y.JIMIN)Where stories live. Discover now