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When i woke up i take a bath and went downstairs.

"I can't wait to tease Y/N about the kiss"-Winter said.

"Whatever let's go we will be late"
-I said then went to my car.

When we arrived at the university we saw Rosé unnie with master jisoo,Jennie and Lisa so we decided to go near them.

"Oh it's still early Boss why are you here?"-Huening kai asked her.

"We're actually waiting for Y/N"
-Rosé unnie said.

"Can we also wait for her?"-I asked them.

"Sure"-Master Jisoo answered.

After a few minutes their van arrived but we didn't saw Y/N even Seulgi so we just looked at her friends.

"Where's Y/N?"-Master Jisoo asked them.

"Uhm Haruto"-Bambam said then we looked at him.

"She's sick her temperature is 40°C so we told Seulgi to stay with her"
-Haruto answered Master Jisoo question.

"What?!"-Master Jisoo and Rosé unnie said at the same time.

"Lower your voices"-Jennie said to the both of them as she looked at
Y/N'S friends.

"What happened to her!?"-Jennie shouted earning a smack from Rosé unnie.

"She's soaking wet yesterday"-Haruto answered.

"Let's go Haruto we will be late"
-Bambam said then they left.

"Are they distancing their selves from us?"-Ryujin asked.

"They are friends with Y/N not with us"-Winter answered.

"Go to your room now"-Rosé unnie said and we went to our room.

When all our subjects is done i saw
Y/N'S friends about to leave so we run towards them.

"Irene"-I called her then they looked at me.

"Wae?"-Irene asked.

"Can we visit Y/N?"-Yeji asked her then she looked at her friends.

"Sure just follow us"-Jay answered then they went to the van so we also went to our own cars.

When we arrived at their house we saw Seulgi watching in the living room.

"How's Y/N?"-Bambam asked her.

"Not sure but i checked her temperature it's 39.5°C"-Seulgi answered.

"Can i see her"-I asked them.

"Upstairs turn left"-Haruto answered.

"Thanks"-I said then went upstairs and entered Y/N'S room.

As soon as i entered her room Rosé unnie and master Jisoo also entered her room.

"Y/N"-I called her and check her temperature it's still 39.5°C.

"Why are you so stubborn Y/N"
-Master Jisoo asked her.

"Mom,Dad"-Y/N said weakly and tears started to flow on her cheeks but her eyes is still closed.

"M-Mom"-Y/N said.

"Y/N wake up it's just a dream"
-Master Jisoo said to her but Y/N is still sleeping.

"M-Mark"-Y/N said weakly so instead of waking her up i just hold her
hands and start caressing it.

"Y-Yooji"-Y/N called me and i looked at her she's starting to open her eyes slowly.

"Are you okay?"-I asked her and she gave me a thumbs up.

"Liar"-I said as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"You said you're okay but your is temperature 39.5°C"-I said to her.

"Y/N"-Master Jisoo called her then
Y/N looked at her.

"I'm sorry"-Master Jisoo said to her.

"I will let you continue being an agent but promise me that you will be safe"
-Master Jisoo said to her and Y/N just smiled at her.

"We will just go to your friends"
-Rosé unnie said to her.

"Next time don't be so stubborn again okay?"-Rosé unnie asked her and Y/N just nod at her.

"Good go take a rest"-Master Jisoo said then they exited the room.

"Yooji"-Y/N called me so i looked at her.


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