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We're still here inside the cafeteria while Y/n went beside Winter to listen to the music that we will perform.

"If all it is, is eight letters why is it so hard to say"-Y/n and Winter sang together.

"You're friends with her now?"-Rosé unnie asked her.

"You can say that"-Winter answered then put her arm to Y/n's shoulder.

"She's asking me not you"-Y/n said to her.

"I know but you will just deny it"
-Winter said to her and Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

"Don't fight here"-Lisa unnie said to them.

"From now on, all of them are your friends Y/n"-Jennie unnie said to her.

"Why?"-Y/n asked.

"You need friends Y/n"-Jisoo unnie said to her.

"Okay."-Y/n said.

"Go to your next class now you will be late"-jennie unnie said.

"I'm already tired"-Y/n said and stand up.

"If i know, they don't have any class for the next subject because their prof is absent"-Rosé unnie said.

"Well let's just go to your room, and practice the songs"-Jisoo unnie said.

"Lead the way because i'm not familiar inside here"-Y/n said.

When we went to our next class which is our prof is absent we just practice the songs.

"So we will practice our last performance which is Karina and
Y/n"-Rosé unnie said.

"I will play the guitar you will sing right?"-Y/N asked and i just nod at her.

"Okay we will make our audience hearts flutter on your performance"
-Jennie unnie said.

"Is that even required?"-Y/n asked her.

"Y/n we need to get their attention once we get it we need to make it more exciting"-Lisa unnie said to her.

"Karina unnie can do the job"-Y/n said. (PS:karina is one year older than you)

"But also you need to do that, show them a performance that they will feel love while watching the both of you"-Rosé unnie said to her then Y/n looked at me.

"But her boyfriend might beat me so no way"-Y/n said.

"Y/n i don't have any boyfriend"
-i said to her.

"And she doesn't want boys"
-Ningning added.

"So what will we gonna do to make the audience hearts flutter?"
-Y/n asked.

"The both of you should bond more to develop something"-Jisoo unnie answered while wiggling her brows.

"It's just a performance"-Y/n said.

"Oh chill there"-Ryujin said to her.

"Just do everything to make them feel love while performing"-Rosé unnie said.

"And that's the reason why i love Rosé unnie more than jisoo"-Y/n said.

"Come on Y/n you already broke up with Wonyoung so it's okay to try again"-Jisoo unnie said to her.

"We know that you're still in the process of moving on"-Rosé unnie said to her.

"Yes, and i'm making sure i already moved on before entering someone's life"-Y/n said.

"And i don't want to enter someone's life just to be my rebound you know i don't want to hurt someone"-Y/n added.

"I'm proud of my child"-Jisoo unnie said.

"Mom and dad might get you"-Y/n said to her.

"Don't worry our parents told me that i should be forever with my sister"
-Jisoo unnie said.

"And that's really annoying"-Y/n said.

I like her attitude her matured mindset, every details of her is perfect for my ideal type.

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