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Y/n's friends and Karina's friends noticed that y/n and karina are avoiding each other. Their prof is done at their lesson so all of them started to pack their things.

"Y/n"-Winter called her then she looked at her.

"Leat's eat lunch"-Ryujin said to her while Karina is just listening to them.

"I won't eat lunch"-Y/n said then exited the room.

"Okay what happened?"-Seulgi asked them but before they could answer her question someone spoke.

"Ok what happened to Y/n"-jennie asked them.

"Where's Rosé noona and Boss Jisoo"
-Felix asked her.

"They stayed in the house"-Lisa answered.

"So care to explain what happened to Y/n?"-Jennie asked them.

"Well before karina unnie and y/n left, she recieved two punch from jeno but she looks okay"-ningning answered.

"Let's go"-Karina said then left.

"I think they fought"-Lia said then they followed karina to the cafeteria.

When they entered the cafeteria they joined karina in the table.

"Uhm guys let's look for y/n"-irene said to her friends.

"Wae?"-Haruto asked her.

"I'm having a bad feeling about something"-Irened asnwered.

"Guys we will just look for y/n"
-bambam said to them but before one of them could could talk they already left.

"I'm getting nervous right now"
-Ryujin said.

"Where the heck are you? Even were not okay right now i'm still worried"
-Karina said in her mind.

On the other side.....

Y/n is currently in the rooftop trying to cool down then suddenly the door opened.

"What a nice time right y/n?"
-mark asked her then smirked.

"Leave now i'm not in the mood to deal with you right now"-y/n said to him coldly.

"You have a problem?"-Mark asked her.

"Don"t pretend to be nice because i'm not a fool to believe that"-Y/n said to him.

"Then let's start y/n but we cant finish this today"-Mark said to her then y/n stand up and looked at him.

"If you insist"-Y/n said then Mark started to give y/n punches but y/n dodge all of it.

"Now it's my turn"-Y/n said then smirked.

"What a timing to release this anger that i'm feeling right now"-y/n said in her mind.

Y/n started to punch Mark all the punches she gave him all of it hit him except for one punch. When mark got a chance to hit y/n he immediately grabbed the wood and hit y/n's knee.

"Ah!"-y/n groaned in pain then kneeled down.

Mark also hit y/n's stomach then he throws the wood away then kneeled down.

"Even if you dodge all the punches i gave to you"-mark said then stand up and placed his foot to y/n knee and stepped on it hard.

"I still hit you, someone told me that you just came out from the hospital, i think you will go back there once i see you again y/n be careful because the war you started it will end soon and i'm sure jisoo will lost her precious little sister"-Mark said and kicked y/n's stomach then left.

Y/n didn't moved even a little bit, because one move that she will do she will just feel the pain from her knee.

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