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I'm heading now towards where Chiara is staying. Having Chiara in my life makes me feel happy.

"Chiara"-I called her and she immediately run towards me then hugged me.

"Chiara"-I called her and she immediately run towards me then hugged me

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"So, how's my little princess?"-I asked her and lifted her up.

"I'm good Dada, but when can i come with you?"-Chiara asked.

"Today"-I said then we went inside.

"So, you're going to adopt her now?"
-IU unnie asked.

"So, you're going to adopt her now?"-IU unnie asked

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"Ne, Unnie"-I answered.

"Behave to your Dada's place okay?"
-Iu unnie asked Chiara.

"You're the one should behave aunt"
-Chiara said to her.

"Eh, why?"-Iu unnie asked her.

"Nothing, Dada let's go"-Chiara said and hold my hand

"Take care of that stubborn kid"-Iu unnie said.

"I will unnie"-i said and grabbed Chiara's stuffs.

"See you soon bye"-Iu unnie said.

"Bye unnie"-I said then the both of us left.

When we arrived in the house Byul,
Harrison and Solar unnie is still not here.

"Dada, where are they?"-Chiara asked.

"Maybe, they are still in the police station baby"-I answered.

"Police station? What are they doing there?"-Chiara asked.

"Oh there's a two kid that got lost so they brought them there"-I answered.

"Dada do you have plans for tomorrow?"-Chiara asked.

"Ne, we have a meeting baby"
-I asnwered.

"Can i come with you please"-Chiara said and she sat in my lap.

"Okay but behave there okay"-I said to her and she just nod then i stand up.

"Let's go somewhere"-I said to her.

"Where?"-Chiara asked.

"In the cemetery we will be visiting my parents grave"-I answered then we went inside my car.

When we arrived at the cemetery i saw someone in my parents grave so me and Chiara hid in the tree.

"Who's that Dada?"-Chiara asked.

"I don't know baby"-I answered because the person's face is fully covered.

When the person left me and Chiara went near to my parents grave.

"Hi Dad, Mom it's me again do you guys know who's that?"-I asked them.

"I'm here again, without her without them"-I said and smiled sadly.

"Dada"-Chiara said then i looked at her.

"Let's go maybe they are already home"-I said to her and she just nod at me then we went back to the house.


We're here in the living room then the door suddenly opened revealing Jisoo unnie.

"Where did you went Dad?"-Seb asked her.

"To your grandparents grave"-Jisoo unnie answered.

"And guess there's a flower again and i don' know who's bringing it to them"-Jisoo unnie added.

"It's just a flower"-Rosé unnie said to her.

"But it's their favorite flowers that only me and Y/n knows"-Jisoo unnie said.

"Maybe someone also knows it boss"
-Taehyun said to her.

"Mommy"-Chantria called me then i looked at her.

"Cna you made that Kai guy stop courting you i don't want a new daddy"-Chantria said.

"Don't worry Baby i won't replace your daddy Y/n"-I said to her.

"Y/n?"-Seb asked then we looked at him.

"I heard that from Harrison Hyung"
-Seb said.

"Y/n?"-Irene asked him.

"Do you know where they live?"
-Haruto asked him

"I'm not familiar in the place"-Seb answered.

"Okay all of us should get some rest because we still have meeting for tomorrow"-Jennie said then we stand up.

"Goodnight everyone"-Lia said.

"Night"-We said in unison then we went to our room.

You're alive but i can't see you does destiny is not in our side anymore?

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