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The game started and Sunghoon is the one who's guarding Y/N but he can't catch up to Y/N if she's the one who's holding the ball.

"He's low-key hitting Y/N"
-Ryujin said.

"But Y/N seems to be unbothered"
-Winter said.

"She just want the game to continue"
-Jisoo said.

"Oppa"-Y/N called RM who's holding the ball so he passed it to Y/N.

Sunghoon and Y/N seems like the only player in the court but like what i said Sunghoon can't catch up to Y/N.
She stepped back and aimed for three points and she scored.

After the game end our university won but Y/N seems to be upset on something and she's looking
at someone so all of us looked where she's looking and we saw a man.

"Mark?"-Master jisoo asked.

"Let's go to Y/N quick"-Haruto said.

I looked at Y/N and in just one snap
she's holding the man's collar so we immediately went near her.

"Y/N let him go"-Yeji said to her.

"He's not doing anything wrong Y/N let him go"-Giselle said.

"You don't know what you're saying"
-Y/N said in a serious tone.

"Guess you already found out Y/N"
-The man named Mark said to her.

"Y/N we're still in the university let him go"-Heeseung said then Y/N pushed Mark.

"Soon Y/N you will meet them and be with them"-Mark said then left.

"What's happening to you?"-Master jisoo asked her in serious tone but
Y/N stayed quiet.

"Y/N answer my fucking question"
-Master Jisoo said to her in a serious tone.

"I will fucking kill them"-Y/N said then walked away.

"Agent Y/N"-Haruto said that made
Y/N stopped.

"Agent?"-Master Jisoo asked her.

"Guys leave this court for a moment"
-Rosé unnie said to them then all of them left.

"You're an agent?"-Master Jisoo asked her.

"Y/N"-Master jisoo called.

"Yes i'm an agent i investigate who killed our parents who placed a bomb on their car"-Y/N said and her voice is already cracked.

"Y/N stop being an agent"-Master Jisoo said to her.

"Why?"-Y/N asked her.

"Y/N it's to dangerous please let the police handle this"-Master jisoo said to her.

"It's already eight years but still there's no update can't you see? They already stopped the investigation"
-Y/N said to her.

"Y/N please"-Rosé unnie pleaded.

"Mianhe but i already made a decision and that decision is final don't worry if they will kill me i'm sure that they will burn my body but before that will happen"
-Y/N said, then she looked at us her face is emotionless but her eyes it's scream what she's feeling right now its angerness.

"The Tuan's family will get what they deserve."-Y/N said then left.

"Mianhe for lying about Y/N"
-seulgi said.

"Expect that Y/N won't go to your house for the mean time"
-Jay said then they followed Y/N.

"She's not my sister anymore"
-Master Jisoo said.

"Uhm Jisoo noona here's the investigation from Y/N"-bambam said and gave Master Jisoo the envelope then left.

Master Jisoo opened the envelope and pulled out a paper then after a few moments Master Jisoo torn the paper into pieces.

"What's the result of the investigation?"-Rosé unnie asked her.

"Mark's dad is the one who is the reason why our parents car exploded"-Master Jisoo answered then she punched the wall.

"I can't leave Y/N alone"-Master Jisoo said

"Mark gave Y/N a hint that she will meet and be with our parents"
-Master Jisoo added.

Y/N handle their parents death alone that's why she went in NewYork, if i'm in her position i might to crazy.

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