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When i left the basketball court i went to my car and went to an open area.

Why can't she understand me? I'm doing this for our parents.

"I hate you!"-I shouted.

"I will kill you!"-I shouted.

"I hate you unnie!"-I shouted as my tears started to flow on my cheeks.

"Y/N"-Someone called me then i looked who it is and i saw Wonyoung.

"Y/N"-Someone called me then i looked who it is and i saw Wonyoung

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"What are you doing here?"-I asked her then wiped my tears.

"I got worried to you so i followed you"-Wonyoung answered.

"I'm okay so you can leave now"
-I said to her then i saw Yooji arrived behind her.

"I'm okay so you can leave now"-I said to her then i saw Yooji arrived behind her

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"The boh of you should leave"
-I said then looked away.

Aish my ex is here and also Yooji or my crush but for now all i ever wanted is to make the Tuan's pay.


When Y/N left i followed them and i saw Wonyoung followed Y/N'S car so i also went to my car and followed the both of them.

When Wonyoung's car stopped i stopped my car not far from her. When she came out from her car i also went outside my car.

I saw Wonyoung looking at Y/N who's shouting and when she called her Y/N looked at her and she's crying.

"The both of you should leave"
-Y/N said then she looked away.

"Leave i can handle her"
-Wonyoung said.

"You're the one should leave you're already an ex so leave"-I said to her.

"And why would i leave Y/N?"
-Wonyoung asked.

"You already hurted her so leave"
-I said.

"You can't have her"-Wonyoung said then walked away.

When i made sure that Wonyoung is already gone i sat beside Y/N.

"What's wrong"-I asked her.

"The world is unfair all that i've done Jisoo can't appreciate it"
-Y/N answered.

"How can you say that she can't appreciate it?"-I asked her then she looked at me.

"She wanted me to stop being an agent and let the police handle this"
-Y/N answered then wiped her tears.

"It's like she doesn't even care about it Yooji when our parents died she have Rosé unnie, Jennie and Lisa to lean on while me i don't have someone to lean on. I didn't told them about my problem"-Y/N added.

"Y/N your unnie just wanted you to be safe"-I said to her.

"Yeah but i don't understand her sometimes"-Y/N said.

"Wae?"-I asked her.

"Because i already found the culprit but she's being blind to know it"
-Y/N answered.

"Let's go"-I said and stand up then she looked at me.

"Where?"-Y/N asked.

"At the store"-I answered.

"For?"-Y/N asked.

"To buy some foods that we could eat"-I answered then she stand up.

"Can you buy me a chocolate milk please"-Y/N said in a cute tone.

"You have your own money Y/N"
-I said to her.

"Please Yooji"-Y/N said.

"Kiss me first"-I said to her then smirked.

"Wait i'm just jo-

I didn't finished my statement when Y/N suddenly kissed me and pulled out and i felt my face heated up.

"Yooji why are you so red?"-Y/N asked then later on her eyes widen.

"Oh shit i'm sorry for kissing you unnie"-Y/N said that made me snap.

"I-It's okay Y/N"-I said.

"You like it?"-Y/N asked shyly.

"I like it Y/N no i mean I love it Y/N"
-I said.

"Go first i will just follow you"-Y/N said and i just nod at her then went to my car.

She kissed me directly in my lips. Her lips is so addicting like i want to feel it in my lips longer.

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