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Hi I'm Karina Yoo i'm studying in Kim's university and there's still two years before i graduate and it's too long.

it's saturday today so me and my friends decided to go to the bar since we're very exhausted from school.

"OMG that's Jisoo unnie with her wife Rosé unnie right?"-Yuna asked then pointed their table.

"Yeah they really look good together"-Ningning answered.

"And Lisa unnie is with Jennie unnie"-Yeji said.

"Their university is awesome and i didn't regret studying there"
-Chaeryeong said and then suddenly someone entered the bar that caught their attention.

"Y/N!"-jennie unnie shouted then they run towards her and hug her.

"I found the one guys"-Lia said and we just laughed at her

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"I found the one guys"-Lia said and we just laughed at her.

"When did you arrived?"...We heard jennie unnie asked her.

"Just now"....that woman named Y/N answered.

"Let's go to our table"...We heard jisoo unnie said then they went back to their table.

"Guys she's so attractive"-Yeji said.

"Shut up yeji your girlfriend is fuming in anger"-Giselle said to her then yeji looked at ryujin.

"She's just jealous"-Yeji said.

"Btw it's the first time i saw her here especially with jennie unnie"-Lia said.

"Lia we don't know all the people who lived in seoul especially their info"-I said to her.

"Oh right we will be having this contest right like a serenade thing but our competitor is from different university"-Yuna said.

"And that is our biggest problem"
-Winter said.

"But we still need one person to play guitar"-Ryujin said.

"Don't worry jisoo unnie said that they will find the last one"-Yeji said then we looked at their table.

"Wow her smile can melt my heart"
-Lia said.

"Aish unnie stop it will ya?"
-chaeryeong said.

"Ok enough guys let's just enjoy and mind our own business"-i said to them and we started to drink again.


I can't believe that my yeodongsaeng
is here i thought she will stay in new york forever and i thought she forgot about me but no she didn't.

"I miss you so much my cousin"
-Jennie said to her.

"I missed you too unnie"-Y/N said.

"Don't you missed me Y/N?"-I asked her.

"Of course, I missed you same as rosé and lisa unnie"-Y/N answered.

"Uhm Y/N can you look at me?"-I asked her becuase since she entered this bar, she's not looking at me.

"Why is there something wrong?"-Y/N asked.

"I should be the one who's asking you that Y/N"-I said to her.

"Oh me and wonyoung bro-broke up unnie because of uhm...."-Y/N said while looking down.

"I saw her and sunghoon kissing each other"-Y/N added.

:To the fans of wonyoung and sunghoon sorry, i just can't think of anyone:) so pls don't be mad at me.

"Y/N"-I called her but she didn't look at me she just drink the liqour.

After a few moment, i think she's already a bit tipsy. And we're just looking at her with worried face.

And then suddenly she walked towards the stage and started singing.

"When she's sleeping in the bed we made don't you dare forget about the way"-Y/N sang, then a woman entered the bar i think that's wonyoung so i immediately went near them.

"Y/N please"-Wonyoung said to her.

"You betrayed me and i know that you'll never feel sorry"-Y/N sang and wonyoung was about to hold her but i stopped her.

"I'm sorry but you need to leave"
-I said to her and dragged Y/N back to our table.

"But you're still a traitor"-Y/N sang so rosé hugged her and Y/N started to cry.

"Shh it's time to move on"-Rosé said to her while hugging her.

"I won't let that girl hurt my dongsaeng again"-I said to myself.

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