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When I arrived at the house i went straight to my room to change my clothes, after that i went to our office room.

"Oh what's with the smile Y/N/N?"
-Seulgi asked.

"Me and Karina is official now she's finnally my girlfriend"-I answered happily.

"Wow congrats Y/N"-they said in unison.

"And btw we have a new agent, we figured out that he's also an agent"
-Bambam said.

"Who is it"-I asked him.

"You can go out now"-Heeseung said then a man came out from the cabinet and it's jackson.

(I changed jackson age to 23, seulgi and irene 22, but irene is older than seulgi for 2months,bambam 20, and you 21)

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(I changed jackson age to 23, seulgi and irene 22, but irene is older than seulgi for 2months,bambam 20, and you 21).

"What the hell are you doing there?"
-I asked him.

"You're friends fault"-Jackson answered and my friends laughed.

"You're an agent?"-I asked him.

"Yes Y/n"-He answered.

"Welcome to the group then"-I said to him.

"Thanks Y/n"-He said then i sat down.

"Now let's talk about Mark tuan"
-I said to them.

"What about him?"-Irene asked.

I started to tell them everything and about our plan to his family.

"So you have an evidence to prove that Mark's dad is the one who's behind the explosion?"-Jay asked.

"Ne"-i answered.

"That's good then, but y/n all of us know that mark would be angry if he will know that his dad is in jail"
-Irene said.

"I know but i need to end this, before he could hurt someone"-I said to her.

"Should we tell it to them, so they could be safe?"-Jackson asked.

"No especially to Rosé unnie i don't want her to stress, especially she's pregnant"-I answered.

"When will our plan will start?"
-Haruto asked.

"As soon as Mark make a move"
-I answered.

"Let's take a rest no"-I said then stand up and was about to leave but jackson spoke.

"Y/n, Yuna sent me a video"-Jackson said.

I think i know what's the video.

"Don't play it"-I said to him in a serious tone.


"No buts if someone played that video there will be no more foods here"
-I said then exited the room.

The only thing i don't want is jisoo will see that video for sure she will tease me.

It's almost time for dinner and no one
cook so i went outside to go in the restaurant.

When i entered that restaurant i saw Yooji then i saw Ningning and Giselle in the corner.

"Hi yooji"-I said as i back hugged her.

"OMG"-She said then looked at me.

"What are you doing here?"-Yooji asked me.

"Buying dinner"-I answered.

"Eh, where's your friend?"-Yooji asked.

"They're in the house"-I answered.

"Okay i will just go to Ningning and Giselle"-Yooji said.

"Okay"-I said then pecked her lips.

"Ahh miss i will order the set A and set B"-I said to her.

"Okay handsome"-She said and for the record her voice is kinda flirty.

While i'm standing she's just winking at me then i felt someone pinched my waist.

"Ouch!"-I said then i saw Yooji looking at me.

"Ahhh miss can you bring her order in our table me and my GIRLFRIEND will just talk"-She said while emphasizing the word GIRLFRIEND then she dragged me to the comfort room?!

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"Ahhh miss can you bring her order in our table me and my GIRLFRIEND will just talk"-She said while emphasizing the word GIRLFRIEND then she dragged me to the comfort

"You know we can talk outside the restaurant not here"-I said to her.

"Enjoying flirting with her?"
-Yooji asked.

"Excuse me i already have you"
-I said to her.

"Plus Yuna sent a video to Jackson"
-I added.

"You didn't told me that they are taking a video of us baby"-Yooji said seductively.

OMG in the future i will tell to our kids that their mommy is initiating this kind of moves.

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