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When all our subjects is already done all of us went to the parking lot, about y/n knee it's okay now.

"Let's go yooji"-Y/n said then i went inside her car.

"Yooji after i finish this problem i promise i will marry you"-Y/n said while she's driving.

"When will it be finish y/n?"-i asked her.

"Soon yooji"-y/n answered then smiled.

"We're here"-y/n said then looked outside.

"But Yoo-

Y/n didn't finished her statement when i kissed her lips, when i felt that she kissed me back i wrapped my arms around her neck.

After a few moments we broke the kiss when we both don't have any oxygen.

"Yooji"-Y/n called me and i hummed.

"Can you be my girlfriend?"-y/n asked then i pecked her lips.

"Yes y/n"-i answered.

"Jinjja!?"-y/n asked me happily.

"Ne"-i answered then smiled.

"See you tomorrow y/n"-i said to her and about to go out but she hold my wrist and lean to my ear.

"Ready to get tease because of your move that aimed to me my yooji"
-y/n said and released my wrist so i got out from her car then she drove away.

I got confused on what she said but i decided not to mind it. As soon as i opened the door i saw my friends smirking at me.

"What?"-I asked them.

"So you and y/n is official now?"
-Ryujin asked while smirking.

"Y-Yes"-I answered. The hell?! Did i just shuttered?

"Then what happened?"-Winter asked.

"Why do i feel like i committed a crime?"-i asked them

"Yeah does karina unnie committed a crime?"-Ningning asked them.

"Yes"-They said in unison.

"What crime did i committed then?"
-I asked them.

"Kissing master jisoo's lil sister"
-They said in unison that made my eyes widen.

"W-What are you guys saying?"
-I asked them.

"Caught in camera unnie"-Yuna said and played a video then she showed me her phone.

The hell?! It's a video of me and y/n kissing in her car a while ago. Did she saw yuna taking a video that's why she said that?

"Yah! Shin yuna can't you understand privacy?"-I asked her.

"Unnie can't you understand the word be careful?"-Yuna asked then they started to laugh.

"Delete that video Yuna"-I said to her.

"Why? I will still show this to master jisoo"-Yuna said and i snatched her phone then deleted the video.

"Here it's done"-i said then handed yuna her phone.

"It's okay i have a lot of video of it"
-Yuna said and our friends pulled out their phones and showed me the video.

"The hell!?"-I shouted then they started to laugh.

"Don't worry unnie it's for the future"
-Ningning said while they are laughing.

"I will show this to your future kids and tell that their mommy is the one who aimed the first move"-Yeji said.

"Whatever"-I said and went to my room but i'm still hearing them laughing like there's no tomorrow.

While i'm lying down at my bed i grabbed my phone and opened the IG then i searched y/n's name.

It's been a month since she last updated in her account, like is she a ghost?

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