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All the representative of each university went to the stage to know the result. Y/N and Wonyoung is standing beside each other.

"Unnie can we swap"-Y/N asked Karina.

"Wae?"-Karina asked her then she noticed who is standing beside Y/N.

"Just focus on me"-Karina said to her.

After a few minutes the MC got the result.

"And the winner for our serenading contest is"-MC stated.

"K university"-MC added as the students went wild.

"Unnie we won"-Y/N said to her and lift Karina that caught her off guard.

"Ehem"-Their friends fake cough and Y/N put down Karina.

"Y/N"-Wonyoung called her then Y/N looked at her.

"Congrats"-Wonyoung said to her.

"Thanks"-Y/N said to her plainly.

"Btw this is Park Sunghoon my friend"-Wonyoung said.

"A friend that she kissed"-Y/N muttered but Karina heard it.

"Nice to meet you, but not that nice"
-Y/N said to him.

"Do you have a problem with me?"
-Sunghoon asked her.

"Is it obvious?"-Y/N asked him sarcastically as Jisoo,Rosé,jennie and Lisa went near them while the other students already left but some of students is looking at them.

"Do you want to start a fight?"
-Sunghoon asked her.

"Don't challenge me besides you don't know me"-Y/N said to him.

"Let's go Y/N"-Karina said and about to drag her but Sunghoon punched
Y/N that earned all the attention.

Y/N immediately punched Sunghoon and Y/N didn't gave him a chance to punch back.

"Y/N"-Heeseung called her then they hold her.

"Gay ass"-Y/N said to him.

"Don't question why do i have a problem with you because first of all you snatched my girlfriend so don't make me look like a fool"-Y/N said to him then he looked at Y/N.

"I'm not idiot to believe that he's just your friend"-Y/N said to her then left.

"Hurt? I know you should be aware of her warning"-Jake said then they followed Y/N.

"Stay away to Y/N for the last time"
-Jisoo said to Wonyoung then they followed Y/N.

"Y/N"-Karina called her when she saw her holding ice pack wrapped in a towel.

"Does your cheek hurts?"-Karina asked her.

"Should i punch you so you can know if it hurts?"-Y/N asked hera.

"Yah! I'm just concerned"-Karina said then slapped Y/N'S arm.

"Don't worry unnie it's just one punch."-Y/N said to her.

"Yeah but you're holding a ice pack" -Karina said to her.

"It's kinda hurt"-Y/N said then Karina snatched the ice pack from her.

"Let me do it"-Karina said to her.

"You know you can talk to that man nicely"-Karina said to her.

"I don't want to be plastic with him."
-Y/N said to her.

"I don't care if he will hate me because i already hate him from the start"-Y/N added.

"Let's go"-Karina said then stand up.

"Where?"-Y/N asked her.

"In the basketball court and i will just continue this there"-Karina answered.

"It's boring there"-Y/N said.

"Let's go our friends is waiting"
-Karina said then dragged Y/N in the court.

"Her hand is soft"-Y/N and Karina said in their minds.

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