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The woman was about to leave with her friends and the kid but Jisoo unnie spoke.

"Can you take off your mask?"-Jisoo unnie asked her.

"Wae?"-The woman asked her.

"We need to know the woman who's having a trust issue to us, olus we don't know your name"-Rosé unnie answered.

"Fine"-The woman said and she slowly taking off her mask.

When she's not wearing her mask anymore all of us got shocked and my heart started to beat fast.

"I'm Y/n, Y/n Kim"-Y/n said.

"Y/n"-I called her but she didn't looked at me

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"Y/n"-I called her but she didn't looked at me.

"Chiara let's go"-Y/n said to her and about to leave but Jisoo unnie hold her wrist then hugged her.

"M-Miss get off"-Y/n said to her that made us shocked even more. She doesn't recognized Jisoo Unnie.

"Y/n"-Jisoo unnie said then she take off her mask and glasses.

"J-Jisoo"-Y/n said and her eyes became watery.

"I missed you"-Jisoo unnie said to her and hugged her

"I-I thought you're dead"-Y/n said and tears started to flow on her cheecks then Jisoo unnie looked at her.

"I won't leave, remember?"-Jisoo unnie asked her then wiped Y/n's tears.

"Y/n"-I called her then she looked at me but also looked away so i went near her.

"Why are you avoiding my gaze love?"-I asked her.

"You already have a daughter"-Y/n said.

"Yes and it's yours"-I said then i looked at her.

"Tss you have a suitor and it's been 10 years"-Y/n said.

"Y/n, it's yours when you disappeared i'm pregnant that time"-I said to her.

"M-Mine?"-Y/n asked.

"Chantria is your daughter Y/n"
-Rosé unnie said to her.

"She's my daddy?"-Chantria asked and i just nod at her then she immediately hugged Y/n.

"I still didn't hug her"-I stated.

"Shh i want to hug my dad"-Chantria said and also pulled out.

"I missed you"-I said and hugged her.

"Sorry if i didn't showed myself to you"-Y/n said then i looked at her.

"It's okay, as long as you're already here it's all good"-I said and pecked her lips.

"Ehem were still here in the meeting room"-I heard Ryujin said.

"Y/n we missed you"-Our friends said and hugged her.

"Guys I c-can-t breathe"-Y/n said then they pulled out from the hug.

"I missed my baby"-Rosé unnie said then hugged her.

"Y/n/n"-Jennie said and joined the hug.

"I missed you too unnie"-Y/n said to them, then they pulled out.

"Oh btw, this is chia-

Y/n didn't finished her statement when the little girl beside her disappeared.

"Chiara?"-Y/n asked but there's no respond.

"Harrison, where is she?"-Y/n asked him.

"I didn't saw her, but the door opened noona"-Harrison answered.

"Chaira"-Y/n said and went outside the meeting room so we followed her.

"Who's Chiara?"-I asked them.

"Oh, that's the girl that Y/n treated like her own daughter, and she just adopted her yesterday"-Solar answered.

After a few minutes Y/n is still not coming back buy her friends arrived.

"Guys we saw Y/n"-Seulgi said happily.

"We also saw her"-Jackson said to her.

"But she seems to be panicking and she asked us if we saw this Chiara girl she even showed us a picture of the kid"-Jay said.

"Does she have a daughter to someone?"-Irene asked

"No, she just adopted Chiara"-Byul answered.

"Noona maybe Chiara is missing"
-Harrison said to her.

"Then let's find her."-Solar said.

"Wait we will help"-Lisa said and they just nod and left immediately.

I just reunited with her but she disappeared again like is there a time limitation seeing and be with her?

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