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Chantria and Seb entered a car that looks like Jisoo car.

"Why are they taking so long?"
-Chantria asked.

"I don't know, but let's just sleep"-Seb answered, then they closed their eyes.

After a few minutes, the owner of the  car came back and entered the car, harrison sat infront.

When they arrived at their house, thats when they noticed that there's a two kid behind.

"Oh shit, who's this kids Alex?"
-Moonbyul asked her.

(Moonbyul,Solar and Harrison is calling you Alex here, i hope you don't mind:).

"Yeah, they are cute"-Solar said.

"First they are cute, especially the girl, second we don't know them"-Y/n answered then went near to the two kids who's sleeping peacefuly

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"First they are cute, especially the girl, second we don't know them"-Y/n answered then went near to the two kids who's sleeping peacefuly.

"Hey kids wake up"-Y/n said to them then Chantria and Seb opened their eyes.

"W-Who are you?"-Seb asked her.

"I should be the one who's asking that kid"-Y/n said to him.

"It will rain soon, so just go inside of our house first"-Y/n to the both of them.

When they entered their house Chantria and Seb are just staring at
Y/n which made her uncomfortable.

"What's with the stare?"-Y/n asked the both of them.

"You look familiar"-Chantria said to her.

"What's your names?"-Y/n asked them trying to change the topic.

"I'm Chantria and he's Casimir Seb"
-Chantria answered that made Y/n surprised.

"Seb?"-Y/n asked in her mind.

"The both of you go change your clothes the both of you stinks"-Y/n said to the both of them.

"That's rude"-Seb said to her.

"You're a trespasser"-Y/n said to him.

"Harrison, guide them and give them some clothes"-Y/n said and Harrison just nod at her, then they went to the room.

"Are you okay? Do you know them?"
-Solar asked her.

"Unnie that Casimir seb boy is the name of my sister's son"-Y/n said

"Are you planning to go back?"
-Moonbyul asked her.

"How can i face Rosé unnie?"-Y/n asked.

"I didn't save my sister, so i don't know how to go back anymore"-Y/n said.

"Noona they stayed in the room"
-Harrison said to her.

"Okay, take a rest for now"-Y/n said then stand up.

"Where are you going?"-Moonbyul asked her.

"I'm gonna cook dinner"-Y/n said then went to the kitchen.

"I wonder how Karina is doing now. Did she already have a family? I hope it's still me in the end"-Y/n said in her mind.

When she's done cooking, the four of them ate. And when Y/n is done she prepared dinner for Seb and Chantria then she went to the room.

"Hey, here's your dinner"-Y/n said and placed the tray in the table.

"Thank you"-They said in unison.

"Okay bye"-Y/n said then left the room.

After a few hours Chantria and Seb is still awake but the door suddenly opened revealing Y/n.

"Why are you two still awake?"-Y/n asked them  and closed the door.

"It's midnight now, you guys should sleep and tomorrow we will bring you to the police station"-Y/n said to them.

"Chan, can't sleep if her mom won't sing her a song, just her mom"-Seb said to her.

"Okay that's a problem"-Y/n said and sat beside Chan.

"Mianhe, i really can't sleep"-Chantria said to her.

"No need to be sorry, it's not your fault"-Y/n said then stand up.

"Wait me here i will just going to get something"-Y/n then left the room.

"She looks like daddy but mom said she doesn't know where's dad right now"-Chantria said in her mind.

:Karina and Y/n end game?

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