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Next Day


We're here now in the meeting room and we're just waiting for the woman who will represent the Luna Company.

"Sorry we're late, but my friend will be more late"-Moonbyul said and she's with Solar and Harrison.

"Where's Seb and Chan?"-I whispered to them.

"Oh, they're just around"-Lisa answered.

"Should we wait for your friend?"
-Jisoo unnie asked her.

"Ani, she said she will just ask me some questions on some details that she didn't know"-Solar answered and the three of them at down.

"Okay let's start"-Jennie said and she started to talk.


Me and Chiara is heading now towards the K.K.Y company. It's already late but yeah i still decided to go.

"Dada this building is so big"-Chiara siad.

"Yeah, but ours is more bigger baby"
-I said to her.

"Really?"-Chiara asked and i just nod at her then we entered the building.

While we're walking towards the meeting room i saw a crowded area so me and Chiara went near them then i saw Chan who's holding her leg while Seb is beside her and the man is looking at them.

"Chan what happened?"-I asked her then the both of them looked at me and Seb hugged me.

"Hey, what happened?"-I asked Chan and Seb pulled out from the hug.

"That man pressed my leg"-Chan answered.

"That man pressed my leg"-Chan answered

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"Let's just go"-I said and carried her.

"Uncle Alex, why are you her Btw?"
-Seb asked me then i placed Chan in the chair.

"I have a meeting here and btw this is Chiara"-I said to them.

"She's the one you adopted uncle?"
-Seb asked.

"Ne, and please just call me whatever you wanted except for uncle"-I said to them.

"Okay we will call you Daddy A"
-Chantria said and i just nod at her.

"Oh btw who's that man?"-I asked them and Chiara sat on my lap.

"He's jongin kai, my mom's suitor, but i don't want to replace my daddy"
-Chantria answered.

"Oh can you guide me to the meeting room?"-I asked them.

"Okay, let's go Daddy A"-Seb said then i looked at Chantria.

"Hop on my back"-I said to her then she did what i said then we went to the meeting room.


We're already finished then the door opened revealing Kai and i saw my friends frowned.

"What are you doing here?"-I asked him.

"Can't i visit you? I'm your suitor"
-Kai said.

"You can't visit her because it's work time"-Jisoo unnie said.

"Why are you always ruining my moment with her?"-Kai asked then Jisoo unnie went near him.

"Because i never like you for her"
-Jisoo unnie answered and before Kai could hold her collar the door opened revealing Chan, Seb and a little girl with a woman.

"Yah! Distance or ambulance?"
-Chantria asked Kai then i heard my friends chuckled.

"Chan, are you sure that this is the meeting room?"-The woman asked her.

"Dada, that man looks scary"-The little girl said to her.

"What did you say?"-Kai asked her.

"Immature"-The woman stated and about to leave.

Weird when she saw us she's just looking at the little girl and never faced us.

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