Chapter 8

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Wolves, wise guardians of the enchanted woods, whisper secrets to those who listen.

The next couple of days I was forced to stay at Kavens side, just to be sure I wouldn't get attacked by some wild animal.

I still didn't know the whole story - (who would have thought) - but I was grateful to at least know that something was after me and it was because of this necklace.

Or so I thought.

Kaven asked me to keep him company while he was chopping wood and I didn't resist. At least he gave me an explanation on what was going on and decided to not leave me in the dark on this topic he was supposed to keep quiet about.

My mind still raced with thoughts. I thought about my family - about Riley especially. She must have been really traumatized after what happened on the yacht. Knowing they were safe was the only soothing thing for me right now.

My dad had told me, he was going to get me, when everything was sorted out. I couldn't help but ask myself, when that was going to happen. Kaven was a kind companion indeed, but the fact that I didn't know when I was going back home and the feeling of being like a parasite did not disappear, despite the fact of them being so hospitable.

„Did my dad call today?," I asked, while I helped positioning the log for him to split in half.

„Not that I know of," he replied before dividing it with his axe. „You have been asking this question multiple times a day."

His soft smile assured me, that he did not mean any offense and I smiled back.

„You know, sometimes it feels like I am not going to be able to leave. And I mean that in the nicest way possible," I said and he slightly shook his head the corners of his mouth still tucked upward.

I knew what he tried to say. It didn't bother them, me being their guest. They actually seemed happy.

Like they didn't have guests over in a very long time and had been eager to have them.

But I still felt like a burden sometimes so I helped where I could. In the kitchen, outside chopping wood and feeding the dogs in the backyard.

Small things, but there was always something that needed to get done.

„Don't worry about that," he said while grabbing the next piece of heavy wood like it was paper. „You can stay as long as you like. Matter of fact, we haven't had guests over for quite a while so it's kind of great."

In some sort I got curious on why they hadn't had guests over in a while, but I didn't ask. Probably it had to do something with this big ‚secret' so I avoided putting him in an uncomfortable situation.

My curiosity spiked though.

„That's nice," I smiled, realizing I felt actually really happy about what he said.

„Uhm," Kaven stopped and braced his hand against his hips. „Are you-... are you bored?"

„Bored?" This question caught me off guard.

He nervously scratched his forehead with his thumb. „I was going to meet up with some friends tonight. You could come with me. If you want to, of course."

He emphasized his last sentence, before I could answer.

I briefly thought about it. „Are there going to be girls?"

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