Chapter 0

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'The life you live is as qualitatively significant as you make it.'

„Okay, thank you very much. Have a nice day", I replied and hung up on the recruiter that I was talking to for the past fifteen minutes. A grumpy exhale left my throat while I put a checkmark on my list of the telephone numbers of potential job offers.

Rushing between my exams and the multiple projects that were waiting for me which I was trying to catch up on, I did my best to guarantee my next term to be my practical one.

For weeks I was trying to get a job now or at least an internship for my practical semester. And unfortunately this was more stressful than I had imagined. I was exhausted. Mentally and physically.

But, hey. Anything worthwhile needed a sacrifice, right?

Working hard until the late nights, studying for upcoming tests. No time for hobbies or even a relationship. This degree was everything that I wanted and even though it pushed me to my limits sometimes, I felt like I was getting one step closer to my goal.

Becoming an architect. Getting up every morning, brewing my coffee in my own house. Driving my own car to my office and drawing on a new project - a new dream and watching it grow into the sky with steel and concrete while living the sweet satisfaction of having created a new home for somebody.


This had to be done. Here in Vancouver where I was studying architecture, I needed to contrast from the masses to be able to get a job later on, to eventually start a career in this sector. I sighed and pinched my nose bridge, in hopes of releasing a little bit of tension.

„River, are you okay?"

My dad was standing in the threshold of my room, leaning in. He was scratching his short full beard which had turned white on some spots, while his expression showed his concern.

„Yeah, I'm good", I replied and pushed myself away from my list to sit up straight on my bed.

He responded with a long exhale. „You don't have to put yourself through so much pressure, dear"

„Yeah, and then I won't be able to find a job", I murmured, putting the lists of my scribbled phone numbers away. My dad entered my room and took the wrinkled pieces of paper to the side, sitting down on my bed.

„Nobody wants you to rush to leave the house, darling. Don't put yourself through unnecessary stress"

The corners of my lips curled to a smile. „Thanks dad. But I really have no other choice"

„It'll be alright. Nothing is more important than your health"

It felt like he knew what I was thinking in the silence that I gave him. My eyes looked down on the carpet, turning my vision blurry.

When he patted my head, my gaze returned to him. „Your mom has cooked dinner. Let's go downstairs"

I nodded and watched him leave my room in silence.

Before I followed him, I got up and tidied up my desk. My efforts of organizing my life made it look like a storm had raged over it. As I was putting my folders together and put the pens away, I heard the muffled voice of my mom calling me from downstairs.

While strolling my way to the kitchen, the sweet giggles of my sister resounded towards me in addition to the smell of lasagne which my mom took out of the oven as I entered.

„Riley, sit down please", my mom warned in a nice but tensed up way while placing the heavy baking plate of italian dish on the centre of the dinner table.

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