Chapter 35

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Wisdom, a quiet guide,

walks alongside the wolves, mapping the uncharted territories.

It'd been three hours since I had last seen Kaven's unconscious body and bloodied face on the asphalt in front of the beautiful restaurant.

The beautiful restaurant. That ended like a horrific nightmare.

I had called the police and they showed up within minutes - the horror written all over their faces. The ambulance had taken Kaven to the hospital I had taken his car and followed them and now I was waiting outside the emergency room in which they took care of him.
I wanted to cry but I felt so weak and empty that I couldn't even raise my head when Robert stormed in asking for his son.

Nurses tried to calm him down telling him that his current state was stable, but he wouldn't listen. Until he had seen him himself to be convinced.

He walked up and down like a tiger in it's cage and then asked me if I was okay, probably noticing my bloody hands and absent stare.

I just nodded. I were incapable to do more.

When the doctor suddenly stepped out of the emergency room we both lit up. Robert stepped forward, talking to him and I - I was just like a ghost. I couldn't even hear what the doc told him. Judging by Robert's reaction I was able to tell that he must have said that we could go inside to see Kaven.
My eyes darted toward Robert apparently in such a begging, desperate way that he reluctantly told me to go in first.

I stepped through the door trying to calm my nerves by breathing steadily but that plan failed when I gasped seeing Kaven on the hospital bed tied to cables.

„Oh, dear god," I sighed, rushing to his side, the tears already burning in the inner corners of my eyes. I swallowed a thick sob and cleared my vision with the cuffs of my blouse that had now rusty blood stains.
"River," he mumbled his voice raspy and tried to sit up straight in his bed when I rushed over to prevent that. "Are you okay? You're unharmed, right?"
His hands caressed my arms and neck while looking up and down on me checking every single inch of my body.
"I'm fine," I told him sobbing. "Are you in pain? You scared me so much! We should have called the fucking police, why did you have to fight them alone?"
The words just stumbled out of me like a flood that pushed past a shore when Kaven hushed me softly. He looked tired with his slow blinks in between and that hospital gown he wore made him appear paler. I wanted to caress his hair that was covering his shoulders and framing his face but I grabbed his arm instead to balance myself and also remembering I still had this dried blood on my hands that had turned crusty.
I heavily cleared my throat. I wanted to kill every single one of these fucking shucks. Burn them, drown them, rip them to pieces.

I really had to learn to use this crystal. Or shit like this would repeat on end.
„I'll be alright," Kaven wheezed forcing a smile that didn't reach his tired eyes. "I'm glad nothing happened to you though."
"Well, you were there. How would they hurt me?"
He snickered then grabbed my hand which I snatched away. A surprised, pained expression washed over his face and I kept my hands in the air.
"They're dirty," I explained.
His brows furrowed in skepticism. "And?"
"Not while you're healing."
Now he frowned. "Okay," he added in a playful way and grabbed my neck pulling me forward for a kiss which I didn't see coming. Even though he was weak and tired, lying in a hospital bed with cables and needles surrounding him he still had enough energy to pull this move. So fast that I couldn't avoid it.

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