Chapter 4

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Suddenly everything turned black. And cold.

No matter how much energy I put into swimming, the waves were stronger. I got carried away from the yacht and into the depths of the black water.

The sound of it rushed in my ears and I closed my eyes, holding my breath. I was so scared that I stopped paddling. My entire body went numb and I was afraid to touch something, if I moved. Because then I would probably pass out. Instantly.

A moment later - which felt like an eternity - my skin turned blue and I could feel the cold water stabbing like tiny needles in it.

There was no time or chance to think about anything, so my anxiety creeped up in me and my mind went blank.

The strong stream pulled my hair and I gave in. My strength wasn't enough to fight the powers of nature and I suddenly accepted the fact - falling into a deep sleep.


Something heavy flowed through my nose and mouth and all of a sudden I couldn't breath. Hysterically I struggled realizing that every muscle in my body was aching with pain. And then there it was - a cramp piercing through my leg making me unable to move. Not knowing where I was I suddenly tasted something. A bitter salty taste - and I gasped again.

As I came back to my senses I realized - I was in the big sea. An ice cold one - or maybe I just felt like it - and scary.

Slowly I regained my senses and I began to feel stinging sensations all over my skin and a warm one on my face. The sun was the only source of warmth - which I didn't know if I should be grateful for or depressed about. Not only did it blur my vision with its' light it also burned my face.

How long have I been floating here?

I felt so exhausted at that thought that I couldn't think it through to the end. I closed my eyes again, hoping they wouldn't hurt as much as they did when I kept them open.

Steadily everything started to feel like a dream. Maybe I was hallucinating - who knew. Or I was going to wake up any moment and call it a nightmare.

As I lost consciousness the last thing I heard was a distant yell. A male voice echoing over the waves of the ocean.


„She's alive"

„How did you notice her in the water? I would have never!"

„I didn't. Anakin did"

As I gained back my consciousness I witnessed this conversation being held over my head. My vision was blurred and at first I couldn't see anything, until the lens of my eye opened slowly to show a young man hovering over me with a concerned expression.

I looked around, still not understanding what was happening.

„Oh, there she woke up!", a young male voice behind me exclaimed.

I blinked a couple of times.

The guy staring back at me lifted his brows and wiped the excess water from his chin. His shirt was sticking on him like a second skin and his black shoulder-length hair was dripping.

Now I realized, that he was the one who rescued me out of the water.

„Can you hear me? You alright?," he asked, looking down at me with his grey-green eyes. 

„Ye-," I said, before I choked and coughed up water.

„Oh," he said, and balanced my head by holding my neck.

„We should inform grandma," the young voice said again, still standing somewhere where I couldn't see him.

„Can you do that please, Anakin?," the guy holding my head replied and the next thing I heard were stomping footsteps in the sand.

As I finished gagging my lungs out, the long-haired guy turned to me again.

„Don't be afraid. You are safe now, okay?," he said slowly. „My brother went to call for our grandma, she'll check if everything is alright with you."

I only nodded, barely being able to keep my eyes open.

„Damn, her skin turned blue, we should get the heating blanket," a third voice said, this time an older one.

„Yeah, I'll take care of it," I heard my rescuer mumble very closely to my ear. He dug his arms under my shoulders and knees and lifted me up, as if I didn't weigh anything while carrying me into the woods.


A couple of hours later I woke up in a warm big bed. I was wrapped in baby-blue sheets in a room, that was quite bigger than the one I had in Vancouver.

I looked down at my fingers. They were light pink again - not that purple tone that I remembered.

My eyes wandered around fixating the window. This house was in the woods. Surrounded by fir trees, which were tickling the walls of it.

What the hell had happened? I was in the ocean and now I am lying in a bed owned by strangers. What happened to my family? Where are they?

A sudden panic wave broke over me and I jumped out of the bed running to the door, as it was opened by an old lady.

I inhaled sharply and stared at her with wide eyes. She was half my size and carrying a tablet.

„What is it, child? You look like you've seen a ghost," she said with her old raspy voice.

„My family!," I exclaimed. „My family is in danger! I have to go!"

I stomped passed her, ignoring her calls for me.

„Kaven!," she yelled again and I bumped into a hard wall which turned out to be a wide chest. As I was lifting my head to look at his face, he surrounded my shoulders with his hands, almost touching. Confused he looked behind me at the old lady and then at me again.

„What's wrong?," he asked.

„My family is in danger! I have to leave!", I cried, tears welling up in my eyes.

„Your family is in danger? What do you me-", he repeated, as his gaze lowered on my chest. Suddenly his eyes widened and he stared back at me.

What the hell?! Is he serious right now?!

I pushed him away to look for the exit. While I was trotting around in their house, he caught up with me and grabbed my arm.

„You can't leave!," he exclaimed.

„What?," I asked perplexed, while the old lady walked up to us.

„Who gave you that necklace, child?," she asked calmly.

„Don't you understand what I am saying? My family is in danger! Some mafia members threatened them!"

„So you're going to save them on your own?," Kaven said curiously.

„Let go of my arm!," I demanded frustrated.

This was ridiculous. Don't they hear what is coming out of my mouth?

„We know who they are, child. Calm down," the old lady explained. „Now sit down and eat."


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