Chapter 29

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Brave the storm like a wolf,

where danger is a canvas painted with untamed resilience.

I don't know how long I had slept but the dark grey clouds were already majestically forming outside of the penthouse.
Kaven was snuggled up right next to me. His face buried in my hair, his arm tightly circled around my waist. I could hear him breath while his almond shaped eyes were still closed.
He was definitely asleep.

That was it. That was how fast my life turned and bent and each and every time managed to surprise me.

I blinked at the sky and realized we were lying on his ginormous l-shaped couch, which was wide enough for both of us to sleep next to each other on.
And then my gaze dropped down on us. I was still wearing my hoodie and my grass bitten jeans, while he was in his white shirt and black pants.

Should I wake him up?

I took another look at his angelic face, the face of the man that had saved my life twice.
Once when I was floating in the middle of the merciless sea not knowing if I was alive or not and then a second time, in that park in Nanaimo where I had tried to hide.

And all I did as a contribution was being angry with him for not saying goodbye.

I wanted to punch myself. How ridiculous this sounded now that I knew the back story.

But how was I supposed to know that he was scared? How was I supposed to know that he went out to kill the shucks so me and my dad could get home safely?
I sighed inwardly.

Maybe this had to happen. For whatever reason.

Looking at him now made me forget everything I was hurt and mad about. Every ache and disappointment. I just wanted to enjoy this feeling of being with him. Napping next to him, having breakfast with him.
It made me forget about all of the stress that hovered over my head, waiting to be pulled down and got done like small tasks on a KANBAN-Board, which are created for group projects. With the unique exception that I was the only one working on it.

I resisted the urge to touch his face so he wouldn't wake up. I didn't know how light his sleep was so I didn't risk it. Someone sleeping this innocently deserved to be protected.

Dreamily I looked out of the window again. The fact was that I was back in Vancouver even though a couple of miles away from my actual home. I'd have to call mom and dad...

Mom and Dad.

I should have been home yesterday.
Today should have been my job appointment.
My job interview.
I missed it.


I jumped out of Kaven's arms and woke him up while clumsily trying to get up on my feet. He took a sharp breath in, blinking confused and groaning in discomfort.
"River?," he mumbled with his sleepy voice that was so cute that I wanted to run back and lay my head on his chest so I'd get my hair caressed by him but I had no time for that. I had to find my phone. Abruptly.

"Kaven, I have to make a call!," I blabbered while rushing into the room I had slept in the first night I came here.
Finding my stuff on the chair across the bed I ripped open my bag looking for my phone. Jerkily I fished it out and glared at the screen. My mom must have called in three digits already, exploding in anger and worry.

And I was as good as dead.

But then - there were no unanswered phone calls nor text messages. My notification bar was as dry as a desert.

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