Chapter 9

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In the mystical forest of life, wolves embody the wisdom of the ancient trees.

We drove along the narrow streets in the middle of the forest to get to our destination which was a fifteen minutes drive. Kaven parked in front of a bowling alley looking at the entrance while he was unbuckling himself.

In the distance a group of people were having a conversation and their gazes had followed the vehicle we were sitting in. Hard to miss the fact that those guys were the ones we had an arrangement to have a bowling match with.

Kavens soft eyes glanced back. „Oh, Caleb is already there," he said.

I got out of the car and now all of his friends were staring at us.

„Kaven!," the blond guy with an undercut exclaimed, which turned out to be Caleb.

He gave his friend a bear hug, before facing me. „You didn't tell me, your friend was a lady," he said, looking me up and down. In that moment, I regretted this dress even more.

Caleb was a tall guy, with buff arms and a sharp jawline. His dark eyes were studying my face with a skeptical curiosity. And to my surprise he then slightly smirked.

„Why would I mention her gender?," Kaven replied, as Caleb stepped forward to shake my hand.

„Hi, I'm Caleb," he introduced himself. His stare had become a little too intense now.

„River," I answered. "Nice to meet you."

Then another girl approached with an arrogant expression on her face. She tucked her straight black hair behind her ear, before holding out her hand for me to squeeze.

„Hi, I'm Emily," she said slowly.


With slow blinks she looked me up and down. „You must be new here. When did you move to Parksville?," she asked, while pursing her perfectly heart shaped lips and I got distracted by the other guys in the back who had started snickering while one after the other greeted Kaven.

She was pretty. Black suited her very well and I bet she knew that as well. We both wore the same outfit - a casual black dress but she looked like she had invented black.

I collected my thoughts. „Well, I actually didn't move here. I stranded," I replied, having a hard time to believe what I just said.

Emily raised her dark eyebrows. „Stranded?," she repeated, starting to laugh with a lame attempt to cover her mouth with her wide spread fingers.

What the fuck is so funny.

In that moment I knew. I already disliked her.

„Come on, let's go inside," Kaven shouted at the door and the crowd of friends hurried inside with mumbling words. He looked straight at me and I took a deep breath before briskly jogging toward him at the porch of the entry to get through the door he was holding open.

„Emily, come on," Caleb insisted and grabbed her arm to guide her inside.

As they both passed us, Kaven slowed me down by gently grabbing my arm, while his other hand was still holding open the door.

„Hey, don't mind her," he advised with a soft voice, nodding inside the entry.

„I don't," I whispered and we went inside.

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