Chapter 34

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In moonlit meadows, 

the wolves' whispers carry ancient tales to the curious hearts. 

I pressed my hands to my ears to ease this immense pain that droned in my head now as the second blast was fired.

Kaven reflexively pushed me behind him, facing the direction where the sounds came from. His grip had been so firm I had to bite back a yelp.

The deafening loud bang turned out to be a gunshot inside the restaurant followed by screaming sounds of the guests inside who hurried in all directions like a startled flock of birds.

And that was how I felt on the inside. My pulse skyrocketed.

Instinctively my hand went on Kaven's arm not knowing what the hell was going on, but he was calm. So calm that it was scary.

I peeked over to look at his face.

His brows furrowed to a thin line between them, his attention locked on the scene inside the building.

"Kav-," I breathed, my limbs stiffening with every gulp of air that I took. And before I knew it my worries multiplied when I studied his inscrutable face. No confusion no fear. As if he had known that this would happen.

"River," he finally said, not taking away his gaze from the chaos inside when the third gunshot pierced through the air and I flinched. "I need you to hide. Immediately."

"What?!" I protested in total disbelief. "What about you, you're not going to stay, are you?"

"We have no time for that."

He raised his chin throwing his head back on the neck. "Fuck," he mumbled under his breath and my gaze followed.

The moon. He was staring at the moon.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a shaky voice suspecting the worst when he suddenly grabbed me by my wrist and ran toward the building, keeping me behind him. As we stalked on the footbridge I saw dark metal on his waist and I gasped.

He is carrying a fucking gun?!

My heart banged even louder and harder now, so intensely that I wondered how I had not fainted already.

I could feel his firm grip burning on my skin when he pulled me to the back of the porch in between the wall and the hedges. His other hand reached for his gun and only then he let go of me. He sheltered the upper part with his palm, racked it and pointed it to the ground. The common sense in me shattered all over the place witnessing that scene that it left me speechless. I wanted to scream.

My eyes wandered from the death tool in his hands up to his. I felt my limbs go numb. I was about to hyperventilate.

Tingling sensations covered my skin and I couldn't feel the tips of my fingers any more. This was too much I could bare. The memories of the assault on the yacht flooded my mind now and I crouched covering my ears.

"River," Kaven panted kneeling in front of me. "River!"

"Don't tell me you're going to go inside now," I cried, almost loosing my mind. "They have guns!"

"So do I," he soothed taking my chin in between his thumb and forefinger but I didn't feel any better. My throat was still contracted and I could barely breath.

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