Chapter 44

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Under the silver veil of night, the wolves converge,

their eyes gleaming with the wisdom of the wild, guardians of the moonlit realm.

Kaven's expression was inscrutable. Or maybe that was the impression I had of him. Looking incredibly handsome he stood in our hallway making everything appear a miniature version of itself. My mom had thrown her head in her neck and was smiling from ear to ear gesturing him to walk through.
He nodded respectfully, our paths colliding in the kitchen.
"Hey," he smiled, his voice soft.
I mirrored his mimics. "You didn't tell me you were coming."
"Yeah, that was a last-minute decision," he mumbled rubbing his hands which was my cue that it wasn't. I chuckled inwardly.
"Look what Kaven has brought us!," my mom chirped from behind the kitchen isle holding up the gift basket. Chocolate, a bottle of white wine and bouquets of lilies for each lady in the house.

A joyful giggle left her throat. „I hope you're staying over for dinner."
"I would love to," Kaven replied, now shyly grinning.
Suddenly I felt so tired. „Let me show you around the house," I commented hastily, placing my hand on Kaven's shoulder to guide him the way. My mom was way too enthusiastic about this and it was getting really awkward. Before she came up with any crazy ideas I shooed her favorite guest away from her.
"I like your mom," Kaven said over his shoulder, walking up the stairs. "Very hospitable and kind."
I chuckled hitting his back. "She loves to spoil people."
"I'm coming over more often then."
I let out a heartily laugh and heard him snicker to himself before he lifted his head looking at the half closed door in front of him.

"Is that... your room?" He pointed at my door while glancing down at me.
I nodded.
He gave me a look as if he was asking for permission to step inside and I gestured him to walk in. As soon as he did, his expression changed to one of a puppy's that was witnessing a decorated christmas tree for the very first time in his life. An inane smile tugged on the corner of his lips while he took in the sight of my bedroom.
"Everything is so... neat," he said walking to my desk reading my notes and blue prints of the projects I had been working on. „And minimalistic."
"Yeah, I don't like flashy stuff."
He grinned.
Walking over to my make-up desk, he grabbed the perfume bottle lifting it up to his nose. I thought he was going to tear because of the chemicals in it but he just flared his nostrils enjoying the scent.
"Absolutely Blooming," he read out loud and put it back on the desk to pick up something else. My cream blush this time.
"What is that?" He asked genuinely confused, twisting and turning the black circular disk that looked like an ice hockey puck for barbie dolls in his hands.

I took it out of his palm sliding my nail in the gap to click it open. He raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw the carmine red cream in it.
"Yeah, girly stuff," I explained handing it over to him.
Gently he opened his hands and let me put it on top of it. Then he continued to watch it. Blinking.
"What?" I asked.
He lifted his gaze. "Can I keep this?"
I frowned. "What for?"
"As a reminder of you. When you're not around."
I almost melted at how cute this was. "Yes. You can. But I want something in return."
"What would you like to have?" he smirked.
"I have to think about it."

But before he could reply my mom called for us saying dinner was ready. And we headed back downstairs.



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