Chapter 48

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The pack's unity is a silent song, 

a testament to the strength found in the rhythm of their footsteps and the harmony of their howls beneath the dawn's embrace.

A thick old blanket wrapped around my entire body I was sitting on our balcony on the third floor of my parents house.

I hadn't had breakfast. Not even a cup of water. I was up. All night.

The very first minutes of this morning were filled with my parents and sisters voices, asking each other where I was and what I had been doing. Eventually Riley had found me and after that they had left me alone.

My mom came by every half an hour. Probably asking herself, why I wasn't feeling cold. But I really wasn't. The heat inside of me that was fired by my mind and thoughts kept me warm. I even felt hot.

I was confused. I was angry. Worried. Scared. Frustrated.

Not a single call from Kaven had come through these past four days and I was too proud to call again. He could at least return the call I made four days ago but he hadn't.

And I didn't know what was going to happen, now that the crystal was missing.

The shucks must have taken it from me right after I passed out in the dazzling white light. And I didn't even want to imagine what they were doing with it.

This morning was foggy but the sun fought it's way through with it's light. The air glistened and my breath was visible. Somehow I felt a little in awe. If Kaven were next to me this would be a moment straight out of heaven. But he wasn't and I was going to sulk about it for a very long time. If he ever called, of course.

Worry entered my mind again. I was so tempted to pick up the phone, call him and if he didn't answer it scold him through his voicemail.

Why would he do this to me? Couldn't he imagine how worried I was going to be?

I had tried to push everything to the back of my mind the entire night - without success. The haunting memories of the evening five days ago laced me up and sat right in my frontal lobe.

I am not believing anything! I just want to know the truth!

I hadn't even gotten a proper chance to explain myself. Not that it mattered to him in that moment.

It won't change anything!

I saw his defeated look in my mind's eye.

He believed that I didn't trust him. And probably had enough.

His trembling fingers and shaky breaths. The outrage and anger in his eyes. All of that was my fault.

Now that I thought about the whole interaction I regretted everything I said. I should have shut my mouth. Mentioning this and asking for the truth - I had given birth to a disastrous nightmare. He probably thought I believed what Caleb had said and I couldn't blame him. If I were Kaven I'd misunderstand as well.

We were happy and carefree but I had to ruin everything with Caleb's imputations.

I wanted to rip his head off.

Nothing in this whole world could have changed what I felt for Kaven but questioning him on something he obviously wasn't comfortable discussing with me sent a completely wrong message.

I buried my face in my cold palms.

That's why he left you behind.

He's had enough of explaining. Hearing your demanding questions and forced interrogations. He's made it clear that he didn't want to talk about it or let you know about it but you constantly pressured him into coming clean.

And with that he disappeared.

Is that the reason why you haven't said I love you back to me?

I winced.


Riley was standing in the threshold to the balcony, five steps right behind me. I looked to my side. "Hm?"

"There's one thing I haven't told you."

I lifted my gaze, swallowing hard.

"Kaven," she stated, looking kind of guilty and my heart suddenly began pounding.


Riley pulled her collar together to keep the cold out. "Well, he doesn't know that I know this. So please, if ever, do not tell him this."

I shifted in my seat laser focusing on her as she went on.

"He was talking to his brother. Anakin." She shrugged as the name rolled off her tongue. „I know, because he mentioned his name on the phone. They were talking about him having a minor injure and that he was going to Parksville and that Anakin should meet him there. And before he left, I saw him rip off your necklace."

Confusion and shock blurred my thought process. Rapidly I blinked at her, shaking my head incredulously and before I knew it I felt dizzy and all my senses started to leave. "What?" I breathed, holding my throbbing skull that began to kill me now. "He took my necklace and he's injured?"

Riley nodded watching me with scared, shaky eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... no-," I muttered before my head fell back onto the lounger. "Don't call for mom and dad."

„I knew I shouldn't have told you this." Riley's fingers dug into her hair and tiny drops glistened in her eyes. "I'm sorry, River."

"It's not your fault," I breathed and she went silent.

I didn't know what the hell was going on but I had to find out. Immediately. Before my sister decided for some inexplicable reason not to tell me anything more. "What else?" I asked not looking at Riley.

I mean, what could be worse at this point. 

She slid a little folded piece of paper into my hand and I closed my palm, right before my frowning gaze fell onto it. "What is this?"
Riley swallowed. "Kaven left it here. I didn't want mom or dad to find it and you were so worked up I wanted you to read it when you had calmed down."

My lids felt so sluggish all of a sudden as I opened the pale yellow square paper.
The letters blurred, I couldn't read it properly. But when my vision cleared I saw Kaven's handwriting.

Don't try to come seek me until I get in touch with you. Stay put.


Until he got in touch with me... Until when?

My gaze jumped up from the paper in annoyance. This was getting seriously ridiculous.



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