Chapter 38

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We're pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for the role you applied for.

Please let us know your decision on wether you would like to join our company.

Kind regards, 

I'd been speaking over this email response for the past fifteen minutes and I had infected Kaven with my joy and jumping. He'd even got out of bed now on his eighth day after the attack and I cannot contain my happiness.
"Slowly," he warned laughing while I ran up and down his penthouse like a dog in its zoomies.
"I got the job!"
I hugged him around his waist pressing my head against his chest.
"Well deserved." His arms circled my neck while he placed a kiss onto my hair.
"I have to go shopping to buy new clothes!" I stated out of nowhere as if my closet at home wasn't already swelling up with it. "And shoes! I need new shoes."

My gaze darted up at him. I was still grinning like a child. But my words didn't seem to have a positive effect on Kaven. I felt him tense up in my embrace.
"You're not planning on going out all by yourself, do you?" he asked confused pulling away to look at me.
I averted my gaze. „Well, sooner or later I am," I replied hesitantly my voice going up as if in a question.

He can't lock me up here in the gold tower?


His brow lifted. "Have you forgotten our conversation about the crystal and it's yielder? "
"Noo," I emphasized. „But I am learning to yield this thing so I'm going to be okay."
"Yes, but you haven't yet."
"Yet," I repeated underlining his own word.
Kaven sighed. "Please be aware of the danger that is out there right now. Don't underestimate it."
"I'm not. It's just... I can't live my life based on the possibility of them attacking. That won't get us anywhere and in the long run won't make us happy."
Kavens corner of his lip curled. "Us?"
"Yeah, including you."
His features brightened. „I'm glad you're talking in double now. So we're a couple then?"

Right. I hadn't answered his question when he was in the hospital bed.

Guess it's time now.

"I'm still negotiating the terms and conditions with you," I stated.
"Which are?" He was smirking now, tightening his grip around my waist now.
"Freedom of choice on going out," I teased to which he laughed.
"I'm not a controlling boyfriend."
"But an embarrassingly overprotective one."
A light went on in his eyes and he blinked slowly. He stared at me with this admiring gaze as if I had created the stars.
"So I am your boyfriend?"
I pursed my lips avoiding his stare. "Maybe."
"A yes-maybe or a no-maybe?"
"A maybe-maybe."

„Girl." He nudged my waist. „Come on."

„Okay, a yes-maybe."
His nostrils flared. "So you're my girlfriend?"
I giggled then nodded. "Yes."
The happiness bloomed on his face widening his eyes with a bright smile that shone on his face. Firmly he embraced me and lifted me up before swirling us around our axis. "Say that again."
"Yes," I repeated suppressing a squeal and grabbing onto his collar.
"Yes, what?," he breathed.
"Yes, I'm your girlfriend."

He put me down and cupped my face lowering his near mine when the phone interrupted us by its ringing.
Kaven didn't pay any attention to it he was locked and focused on me but then his ringtone resounded once more. I gave him a look that said maybe it's important to which he grunted annoyed and walked to the nightstand where his phone was charging. He slid the green field on the touchscreen to the left before responding in a grumpy tone. "What?"

A silent moment went by and he began rubbing his temples.

This weren't good news.

And I had this feeling that it had something to do with the enemy. I watched him mumble something I couldn't understand before he hung up and let out a heavy exhale.
"Is everything alright?" I asked concerned. The muscles on his back tensed. Visibly stiffening.
And I don't know if he was putting on a show or if it was real but he lifted his head turning around and smiling. "Yeah, of course."



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