The Ultimate Jinchuriki

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Buckle Up People: We are in for a LONG chapter today!!

Ryu continued to fight Madara as he was seemingly getting a bit impatient.

Ryu: Ok I could've killed you three times already drop dead so I can get to that statue!!

As they spoke the Gedo Statue howled as it swallowed two objects. Naruto and the Eight Tails Jinchuriki Killer Bee -Bars- along with Kakashi and Guy were fighting Tobi.

Madara: Sorry but this is something that can't be interrupted.

Ryu: Alright then.

Ryu had disappeared from Madara's sight as all he saw was a red flash.

Madara: Damn Flying Raijin!!

Ryu had appeared beside Naruto.

Ryu: So, what I miss?

Naruto: The Ten Tails is starting to revive!

Ryu: Th fu- HOW?!!

Naruto: The pots it swallowed had Kurama's Chakra!

Bee: Same with Eights yo!

Ryu: Ok, well at least it won't be at full power.

Shojo: Let's be thankful. I'm not even sure if I'd be able to take that monster head on.

Naruto's eyes went red and slitted as a deep voice echoed from him.

Naruto???: Listen up, all of you!

Ryu: Woah, the hell?

Shojo: That you Kurama?

Kurama: If just a portion of a tailed beast is sufficient, that statue already has a piece of mine and Eight Tails Chakra in it.

Ryu: Ok, shit.

Shojo: Those items were one of the Sage of the Six Paths old tools. Once sealed in there your stuck inside for good. Two Shinobi, Kinkaku and Ginkaku fed on Kurama's insides and have his Chakra. They were most likely reanimated then sealed again.

Ryu: -_- That's sheer fucking plot convenience.

Ryu looked at Tobi seeing his new mask.

Ryu: Hm, a new mask huh? Why hide who you are at this point?

Tobi: Who I am is irrelevant. What matters is that soon, this war will be over.

Ryu smirked as he disappeared. Tobi shocked at this instinctively activated Kamui to make himself intangible but nothing came.


Ryu was upside down in front of Tobi as he was kicked in in the face breaking the mask into pieces.

Ryu: That was the oldest trick in the book. It's not difficult to react to the short time it takes for you to do that again.

Tobi held his face before uncovering it. Kakashi's eyes seemed to go wide. Guy seemed a bit surprised as well.

Kakashi: I... I-Is that you? Obito?

Naruto: Who is he?

Guy: Our classmate and Kakashi's teammate. But you were...

Ryu: Wait wait wait, Obito as in Obito Uchiha? Weren't you killed in action years ago?

This voice had changed entirely from a deep and smooth voice to one more natural and high.

Obito: You can call me by that name if that's what you want. You're smart. I wouldn't expect anything less from Kasumi's son.

Ryu's eyes slightly widened.

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