Training before the finals

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Ryu: Ok so explain to me why we're trying with them today?

Kira: Because Jiriya is going to be teaching Naruto the same Jutsu I was gonna teach you. Do you'll be learning it with Naruto.

Ryu: Well what is the Jutsu?

Jiriya: First off remember what we talked about yesterday? About the two chakra's?

Ryu: You mean the foxes and Shojo's? Yeah what about it.

Jiriya: Naruto, try building up that red chakra right now.

Naruto: Uh, right now? Well I guess if you say so. Okay I'll give it a try.

I Kira and I activated our Sharingan emit look at Naruto's Chakra. When it was showing it was still blue.

Ryu: It's not working.

Naruto: He's right, it's still blue.

Jiriya: You really have absolutely no talent huh kid?

Naruto: Hey don't go acting like your so great! I barely understand the two Chakra's myself!

Ryu: Wait a second, Naruto, let me give you something to base it off of. I'll show you how I do it and maybe it'll be the same for you.

I then closed my eyes.

Ryu: I don't really ever do this on command a lot but I remember how it works. First I build up my concentration, then I start building up chakra.

A slight breeze came from my direction.

Ryu: Then I think about something that gets me really angry.

My hair started to spike up and the ends began to turn red.

Ryu: Then I let my chakra spike up.

My chakra then started to skyrocket. When I opened my eyes they had slits in them.

Ryu: And that's how I usually do it. Most of the time when it happens it's on pure instinct. And I can only use so much power before I go ballistic.

Naruto: S-so, are you...

Ryu: Don't worry I'm okay. I just have a few more violent thoughts right now is all.

Kira: Good, now see how long you can maintain that state.

Ryu: Alright. Now Naruto, you try the way I did it.

Naruto: Alright, I'll give it a go.

I turned on my Sharingan to check on Naruto. For a split second I thought I could see red chakra, but it was gone after 5 seconds.

Naruto: Uhhh, it felt like it was their fast a minute but then it wasn't.

Jiriya: Well I guess it's some sorta progress. Listen Naruto, your training up until now isn't what you should have been starting with. What you have been doing is learning how to maintain and release a certain amount of chakra. But you have a lot of stamina your should be using your power instead of doing cheap tricks. You have 2 types of Chakra that don't exhaust easily, so you should learn to release the largest amount of chakra you can, and then train yourself, so you can increase the total amount of Chakra you can use. Once you go that a whole world of Jutsu will open up to you.

Kira then looked at me before I smirked.

Ryu: Jutsu like this!

I then preformed some hand signs.

Ryu: Wind Style: Twin Wind Dragon Jutsu!

Before Naruto could say anything, two giant wind dragons appeared in a huge gale of wind.

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