The Sharingan Master

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We were on a bout to the land of waves when suddenly I felt uneasy.

Shojo: Whats wrong?

Ryu: 'I don't know. I just have a feeling that were gonna be fighting someone strong soon.

Shojo: Well you do have a sixth sense for these things.

Tazuna then began explaining about the man who wanted him dead. He said his name was Gato or something like that. After another 30 minutes we finally got of the boat.

When we were walking through the woods Naruto was walking ahead, but Sasuke and I went up just incase something happened. Naruto then raced ahead pretending to search for something.

Naruto: Over there!!

He then threw a Kunai but I threw one of my shuriken to redirect that kunai back to me along with the shuriken.

Ryu: Don't pretend to hear something to make yourself look good Naruto.

I then caught his kunai in my left hand and my shuriken in my right. And I tossed the kunai back to him.

Naruto: Right...

I then heard something in a bush. I then threw my throwing knife to a bush.

Sakura: Ryu not you too!

Ryu: It took me second to realize but Naruto was right. We are being followed.

They went to look in a bush and they saw a rabbit.

Sakura: Gah! It was just a rabbit!!

Ryu: Look closer. Thats a snow rabbit. There fur is only like that during the winter, when the days are short and theres little sunlight.

Kakashi: And there fur is brown during this time of the year.

Ryu: 'They're here.'

I then heard some rustling in the tree's.

Kakashi: LOOK OUT!!

Out of nowhere a giant sword came flying out. The others got down but I caught the sword by the handle and flung it to a nearby tree. Then a man stood on the blade of the sword. He wore a ninja headband, but it was from the mist village. And judging from the power behind that swing, I knew he had to be Jonin.

Kakashi: Well well, if it isn't Zabuza Momochi. Rouge ninja of the hidden mist.

Ryu: Took you long enough to get here.

Zabuza: Well we can't all move at sonic speeds now can we.

Naruto then glanced at Sasuke and I before he tried to charge forward, but Kakashi and I put our hands infant of him.

Kakashi: Your in the way, get back.

Ryu: Sorry Naruto, but this guys is way out of your league. Kakashi and I are the only ones who can handle this.

I then looked at Kakashi. I then sighed.

Ryu: We really have to all out for this now don't we?

Zabuza: Kakashi of the Sharingan eye, and Ryu: The Sharingan Master. Did I get that right?

Sasuke was taken back when he heard the word Sharingan, and I'm not surprised why since the Uchiha clan was almost entirely wiped out. All except for him, Itachi, and I guess technically me.

Ryu: Well I guess that cats out of the bag.

Sasuke: You do realize that your going to explain after your deal with this guy right?

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