Naruto vs Haku

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Ryu: Anyway you two, good luck against each other.

Haku: Oh right, I'm facing you Naruto.

Naruto: Well sorry Haku, I don't think I can go easy on you if I wanna fight them.

He looked at Sasuke and I.

Ryu: Being honest, I'm not sure who's gonna come out on top, your both pretty relative in ability. In the end, it'll all come down to who has more willpower. But both of you do your best, it would be disrespectful if either you didn't.

Haku/Naruto: Yeah!

Genma: Will the participants please come down?

Naruto and Haku both jumped over the railing and walked to the center of the arena.

Genma: Let the match Begin!

Instantly Naruto rushed towards Haku.

Haku: "Predictable as always Naruto. This will be over fast."

Naruto was about punch Haku but she moved to the side and redirected him to the ground. She pulled her arm back to deliver a chop to his neck. Naruto expected this and rolled forward avoiding getting knocked out.

Naruto: That was to predictable!

Haku: Well predict this.

Haku started doing a sequence of hand signs.

Haku: Water Style: Water Clone Jutsu!

She summoned a multitude of clones.

Naruto: If that's how you wanna do it, fine! Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Naruto summoned his own clones. The clones attacked with all of them canceling each other out. The aftermath was a lot of water.

Ryu: Well she's about to get serious.

Sakura: Yeah.

Gai: What will she do?

Kira: What do you mean serious?

Kakashi: She's about to use her Bloodline Trait.

Kira: She has a Kekkei Genkai?

Gai: Which one is it?

Kakashi: Just watch.

Haku: I hope your ready Naruto. If I remember correctly you barely survived the last time I used this Jutsu on you. Only Ryu could beat this.

Naruto: Yeah? Well that was back then, and this is now!

Haku: Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors!

The water around them started to rise and crystallize. After a second, the Crystal Ice Mirrors formed. She slid into the mirrors and readied for an attack.

Naruto: Bring it on.

Haku: You asked for it.

The mirrors started glowing and Naruto braved himself for the attack. I'm an instant, he was barraged by needles. They cut him up a bit slightly tearing his jacket

Ryu: Well there goes 2000 Ryo. Knew I should have gone for the extra durable one.

Naruto was moving out of the way of the needles surprisingly well seeing as he wasn't even able to see them the first time.

Haku: It looks like you've improved, but I have some new tricks up my sleeve.

She attacked Naruto with some more needles before coming out and kicking him.

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