Return of the Sound.

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??? POV

Tsunade: Among all of you, you have been chosen by the surrounding Jonin you see here to become Chunin. You however, are a different story. You had shown extreme skill in the exam that frankly, Chunin just wouldn't be good enough. So from here on out. You will all be Chunin. And you will be a Jonin.



Kira grabbed me in a bear hug squeezing me like a puppy.

Ryu: Hey, come on! Cut it out!

Haku: I mean I guess she has the right to be happy. This is the first time something like this has happened.

Naruto: Yeah!! Haku Shikamaru and I finally became Chunin! And you went even Further Ryu!

Shikamaru: More responsibilities for me. Kind of a drag.

Asuma: Be glad! This is a feast in all of your honors!

Ino: Even a guys like you and Naruto seem respectable now!

Choji: Hahaha!! It doesn't suit yah!

Anko: Anyway! Let's celebrate Naruto Shikamaru and Haku becoming Chunin, and Ryu becoming the first ever Genin to skip past the first rank and move to a full fledged Jonin!!

All of us had our new Leaf Vest, while I wore a leaf bodysuit, and I also had new gloves on.

Everyone: Cheers!

Anko: So Ryu, what was your reaction when you figured out that you would be moved up?!

Ryu: Not gonna lie, I was pretty shocked. I didn't think I'd be moved up to the top of the Ranks just like that.

I was saying all of this while eating some steak.

Haku: Gotta say, I was surprised too. I knew you were good, but to move up like that is a first.

Naruto: It's awesome! Now we can take even higher missions! And I'm one step closer to being Hokage!

Ryu: 'Guess you were right Shojo.'

Shojo: When am I not?

Shonen: When I'm involved.

Kira: I never dreamed that you would end up skipping the ranks little bro. I am so proud of you.

Haku: So what could our first missions be?

Ryu: Well they may not change for me much, I already do A-Ranks on the daily. You three however, be prepared for different missions. A lot harder than those cat retrieval ones.

Naruto: Oh yeah!! Finally! No more cats!

Shikamaru: What a drag.

Time Skip!

Shikamaru and I were talking when we saw Choji.

Ryu: Whats up man? Eat to many short ribs again?

Choji: What? No not this time?

Shikamaru: No, it's just because he's been thinking about how he might not get a girlfriend if he puts in to much.

Ryu: That's all? Come on, you should just be you. If they don't like you for who you are, than that's their loss.

Choji: Really? Never thought about it that way.

Ryu: Let me guess, Ino gave you a talk on how she tries to stay super skinny for Sasuke?

Choji: Yup.

Ryu: Well a word of advice for her is that she should find someone else other than Sasuke. Ya see, the feelings have to be mutual for her to actually have a chance at him. And believe me, I know.

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