The demon in the snow.

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We were still fighting Haku but the others were hurt badly. If this kept on the could die.

Ryu: Sasuke have you unlocked it yet?

Sasuke: Unlocked what?

Ryu: The Sharingan, I know you have the ability to.

Sasuke: No, not yet...

Ryu: That's one more person I have to watch.

Naruto: Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Ryu: One more time Eh?

Naruto launched at the mirrors but Haku defeated every one of the clones. I jumped a bit late so I couldn't mark her before she went back in a mirror and struck me with a barge of needles with one sticking in my arm.

Naruto: Ryu are you okay?!

Ryu: Yeah I'm fine.

I took out the needle and tossed it outside of the mirrors. My wounds the start to heal.

Sasuke: 'What the? Those wounds are already starting to heal.'

Naruto: How are we gonna beat her if we can't even hit her?!

Ryu: Hmph. Don't you worry Naruto, I've got a plan.

Naruto: You've got a plan Ryu?

Ryu: You two hold these.

I tossed them one throwing knife each.

Ryu: Uh huh, one last all or nothing gambit.

Sasuke: All or nothing gambit?

Ryu: Yeah, it's one of my more used moves.

Sasuke: Wait your not talking about those are you?!

Ryu: You guessed it.

Naruto: How will those help?!

Ryu: Naruto you create a few Shadow clones, and the use the Jutsu. Sasuke, your with me. We find an opening while she attacks the clones and strike when her Garuda down.

Sasuke: Alright.

Naruto: You got it!

Ryu: Ready, Break!

Naruto did his shadow clones while Sasuke and I broke to the left.

Haku: This again? That Jutsu is useless.

Naruto then did the hand signs I taught him and Sasuke.

Naruto: Wind Style: Faithful Wind Blade!

Each of Naruto's clones made a blade of wind that was about 1 foot longer then the knife. Since he was using a higher rank Jutsu and had shadow clones involved, the length of the blade was cut down a lot, and it still used a great amount of chakra. Then Sasuke and I both weaved our hand signs for a similar Jutsu.

Ryu&Sasuke: Lightning Style:Lightning Dagger!

Our knives grew about 2 feet longer since we weren't using as much chakra as Naruto was. We both waited for her to be open after she destroyed some of the clones.

Ryu: Now!

We both jumped when I said now and I was right on the money that time. We both cut her with our blades and I had the chance to mark her on the leg.

Ryu: Now this'll be a whole lot easier.

She then went back out and skewered Naruto And Sasuke with a few needles and I dodged them.

Ryu: You guys okay?

Naruto: I'm fine, Believe It! It's not that bad!

Sasuke: As if those could take me down.

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