You First Meet

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  You sighed in frustration as you walked up and down the aisles, searching for the one Fall Out Boy album you didn't have. The shelves aren't even organized! you thought, frustrated.

  You turned and smacked right into someone's chest. "Err, sorry!" You apologized shyly, taking a few steps back. Can you go a single day without tripping or slamming into someone?! you yelled inwardly at yourself.

  "No, it's my fault. Sorry," the poor guy you ran into said.

  You looked up and your jaw almost dropped. Is that Patrick Stump? As in THE Patrick Stump? you thought, getting slightly panicky. "Um, it's okay," you answered, still somewhat in shock. What the hell is THE Patrick Stump doing here?!

  "What's your name?" Patrick asked.

  "Um, (Y/N)," you stuttered out, surprised he actually cared.

  "Cool. I'm Patrick," he said.

  "Um, I know," you replied awkwardly, immediately regretting your words. And now you sound creepy.

  He laughed. "A fan?" You nodded, smiling slightly. He grinned.

  Your heart dropped as he turned, but you quickly recovered when you realized he was writing something on a small piece of paper, leaning against a random CD cover. Maybe he's writing his autograph! you thought excitedly. It would be so cool to show it off to all of your friends! He grinned again and handed it to you.

  "Sorry, I have to go," he said. He started walking away, then looked back. He whipped his head back around as he caught your eye, turning ruby red. (You know you loved that overused Fall Out Boy reference.)

  You looked down at the slip of paper. He'd written down a set of numbers with his name at the bottom, as well as 'Call me, please!'. Your mouth fell open as you experienced a total fangirl attack. Butterflies blossomed in your belly, and you smiled even wider to yourself. Aww, he said please!

  You looked at the CD cover he had leaned on. It was exactly the one you were looking for! Your cheeks started to cramp from the lingering grin. Y/N 1, Unorganized shelves 0, you thought triumphantly.



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