You Call Him

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  You sit on the bed, debating whether to call Patrick or not. What if he thinks I'm going too fast? What if he doesn't like me? You finally dial the number before you chicken out. He picks up on the third ring.

  "Hello?" He answers.

  "Um, hi, it's (Y/N). From (Insert store name here)." He immediately seemed to have more energy.

  "Oh, hi! Um, do you wanna maybe go and hang out? Not a date! But, maybe to Starbucks?" He asks in one breath.

  You try to disguise a giggle at his nervousness. "Sure."

  You can feel his grin through the phone. "Great! I'll see you there?"

  "Definitely. What time?"

  "...What about three?"

  "Okay! Bye," you say.

  "Bye!" He says back. You both stay on the line.

  "I'm not hanging up first," you say, giggling.

  Patrick laughs. "Okay, fine. But you're hanging up next time!" He joked and hung up.



Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now