You Break Up

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A/N~ Okay seriously it's about time I did this one. I just didn't have the heart before XD.


  You rolled your eyes as you checked the time. Patrick was an hour late, beating the record he had set a few days ago. You pushed the cold food around your plate with your fork, waiting for his arrival. Finally you heard the familiar clank! of the front door opening and shutting.

  "Hi, (Y/N), I'm home!" He called cheerfully. Does he even know what he's done? You asked yourself, wearily standing up from your chair to go meet him.

  "Really, Patrick?" You hissed as he turned to face you, his expression blissfully clueless.

  "What's wrong?" He asked, looking genuinely confused.

  "We were supposed to have dinner tonight?" You replied scornfully.

  He seemed to realize his mistake. "Oh! (Y/N), I'm so sorry I forgot-"

  You cut him off as he began to ramble. "If you forgot, clearly I'm not that important to you."

  "Well sorry the world doesn't revolve around you," he retorted. Your eyes widened, and his did as well. Even he was shocked at what he had said.

  He started to apologize, but you stopped him. "Well sorry this relationship doesn't revolve around you and your stupid job!" With that, you spun around and walked out. You ignored him calling your name as you stepped into your car and started the drive to your best friend's house.



Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now