The Band Takes The Hiatus

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  You hopped off the couch excitedly as your boyfriend, Patrick, came home from band practice.

 You had a concerned look on your face as you saw his depressed, broken expression. Normally he was happy and excited to tell you what they had done in practice.

 "Are you okay? What happened?" You asked. He abruptly wrapped you into a tight hug.

"We decided to take a.. break.." His voice cracked on the word 'break'.

"Oh, honey!" You frowned sympathetically, hugging him close. He ran his calloused hands through your hair. His breaths came hard and you could tell he was fighting a war with tears.

You frowned. "Let's watch a movie. Or do something to take your mind off of it."

He nodded and smiled in appreciation. You were going to get Patrick out of this awful mood.


A/N~ Sorry for the shortness, I promise I'll make up for it! What did you think of this chapter?


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