He Proposes

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A/N~ You all knew this was coming... =D


    You sighed in relief as you finally got home from work. You could hear Patrick and the band practicing in the back room.

   You tilted your head to one side as you saw a vase with roses in it. You smiled, then blinked as something shiny caught your eye. You walked up and saw a ring was in one of the roses. You grinned as your eyes started tearing up. You read the note.

  '(Y/N), will you marry me?'

  You pulled out a pen, wrote down yes on the back and slid it under the door of the room the boys were performing in.


  Patrick blinked as he saw movement from the corner of his eyes. He turned his head and saw the same note he'd attached to the flower vase.

   He tried to keep back tears of nervousness. Did she send it back? He approached it, afraid of what might be on it.

   He flipped it over onto the back, embarrassingly aware the rest of the band were watching. He grinned and began jumping up and down like a little kid as he read one single word- yes.

   "Did she say yes?" Pete asked excitedly. Patrick nodded wordlessly and the guys gave him high fives.

   Pete glared playfully at the other boys, "I CALL BEST MAN!"


  A/N~ This may seem a little awkward because I had this weird feeling that all of the boys from Fall Out Boy were reading the chapter. XD I'm so paranoid!


Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now