You Make Up

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  "Do you think he's cheating?" (Y/B/F/N) wondered as you guys ate dinner together.

  "Huh?" You replied. You hadn't considered that before.

  "Well, he was always late," she explained. "Do you really think it could just be 'work'?"

  "You do make a good point."

  She shrugged and took a bite out of her pizza. "Will you take him back?"

  You thought for a moment. "Hmm... it depends, I guess."

  (Y/B/F/N) nodded. "I s'pose that makes sense."

  Your phone buzzed and you rolled your eyes as you saw it was Patrick. "Ugh."


  "Uh huh." You ignored the urge to text him back and get back together so soon. You're not that desperate, you told yourself.

  "Are you gonna ignore him?" (Y/B/F/N) asked.

  "Yup." You took a bite out of your own pizza slice.

  "Who needs guys anyway?"

  "Exactly," you answered, sighing inwardly. A beep sounded from the front yard. "What the hell?"

  You checked what the text read.

  'Meet me in the limo please :) xoxo'

  You sighed as you read the text aloud to (Y/B/F/N). "Are you gonna go?" She inquired.

  You shrugged. "I guess. It's not like I can ignore him, he's got a limo for god's sake!"

  "Well, good luck," she said as you walked out the door. The sleek black car awaited. With a pang of nervousness and anticipation, you climbed in.

  "Hey," Patrick said shyly.

  You shot him a withering look. "Hello."

  You sat in awkward silence for a few moments as the limo pulled out of (Y/B/F/N)'s driveway. "We're going to a restaurant," he blurted randomly.

  "What? Why?"

  "To make up for the times I was late."

  "Oh," you murmured. "Okay."

  Patrick smiled at you, and you smiled back warily. "I'm still really sorry about being late all those times, and what I said to you," he said quietly.

  You hesitated. He sounded sincere. Should I forgive him? "It... it's okay," you said finally.

  Patrick's smile grew wider. "Can we, uh, try this- us- again?"

  You bit the inside of your cheek. After a few moments, you planted a kiss on his cheek. "Yeah."


A/N~ In conclusion, I am a coward.


Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now