He Gets Haters

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  You were surprised to see your normally happy boyfriend come home with red puffy eyes and storm upstairs and slam the door. The only time this had happened was when the band had taken a hiatus.

Oh, no! You thought anxiously. Did they break up? You followed him up to your shared bedroom and opened the door gently. "What's wrong?" You asked. He was lying on the bed, face in a pillow. He didn't look up and just moaned. You frowned, worry blooming in your stomach.

You got a text from Pete saying check twitter. You logged on and were horrified to see a barrage of hating messages.

Stupid Fatrick! #Fat'rock'star

Don't eat any fast food or you'll explode!#Fat'rock'star

You glared in rage and sent a tweet.

Leave Patrick alone! I bet you're no more successful than him, and you have no life so you hate other people. #StopHatingOnPatrick

Only a few minutes after you'd sent the tweet, you were enveloped in a crushing bear hug. You squealed a little, then you noticed it was Patrick. "Are you okay now?" You asked.

"Now I am!" He chirped. You smiled and he pecked your lips. You guessed he'd seen your tweet.

"I didn't know you tweeted!" He said.

"Only on special occasions."


A/N~ That was cute. I actually like that one! Well, what did you guys think?


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