He's A Jock

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  You pushed someone who had just shoved you away and huffed resentfully. You were in the middle of the crowded high school bleachers to watch your brother play in the football team's playoff. You sighed heavily as you spotted  the school player and jock, Patrick Stump, jogging toward you. I hate this guy.

  "(Y/N)!" he called, coming to a stop in front of you.

  "What do you want, Patrick?" You rolled your eyes in exasperation. You had to admit, he was hot, and you may have had a tiny crush on him, but he was a player and all that so it's not like you wanted to date him anyway.

  "Wish me luck for the game?" He winked in an exaggerated fashion, and you struggled to hold in a smile.

  "Break a leg," you replied. "Literally."

  "So mean." He pouted.

  "Patrick!" The boy swiveled around to see the coach waving at him. "Let's go!"

  Patrick shot one last glance at you before running down the steps to meet with the rest of the team.


  You felt relief wash over you like a refreshing wave as the game ended. Home team had won, and now you could go home with your brother in a good mood. As you left the bleachers and went over to meet your grinning brother, Patrick ran toward you. "Hey, (Y/N)!" he called, grinning and panting like a tired puppy.

  "Hello, Patrick." You rolled your eyes. "Will you please move out of the way so I can see my brother?"

  Patrick smirked cheekily. "On one condition."

  You exhaled irritably. "What?"

  "You have to be my girlfriend."

  "What, so I can get cheated on and dumped like the rest of your female toys?"

  Patrick frowned, hurt sparking in his bright blue eyes. A pang of guilt settled in your stomach; but it disappeared when you tried to walk past him and he stopped you. "Date me."

  "No!" You insisted, dodging to the other side, but he was faster, blocking you yet again.

  "Date me!" he cooed in a sing-song voice.

  Annoyed and impatient, you gave in. "Fine! I'll date you. Now let me through!"

  Patrick's face lit up. He pecked you quickly on the lips before running back to the team, who on cue gave him high-fives and thumbs up. Boys, you thought resentfully.

Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now