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  You sighed as Pete winked at you. You used to find it amusing, but now it just annoyed you and upset Patrick. Maybe Patrick's jealous! You thought, dumbfounded at the sudden thought. You could see Patrick glaring straight ahead, gripping the desk so hard his knuckles were almost white.

  "Alright class, time's up!" The teacher yelled. Everyone sighed in relief and got their things and left.

  Pete stopped you as you were walking to your locker. "Be my girlfriend!" he almost commanded, forcing you into a kiss. You whimpered in shock and disgust and glanced around for Patrick. He was watching with shock. You sent him a help me! look.

  He blinked in understanding and stalked towards Pete. "Leave her alone!" He demanded angrily. Pete broke the kiss and looked at Patrick with a disdainful expression

  Meanwhile, you wiped your mouth and tried to wipe your tongue off with your sleeves.

  "Fuck off," Pete growled, moving towards you again. You yelped and jumped behind Patrick. Pete glared as the bell for next class rang. "Fine. But this is not over!" He grumbled and stalked away.

  You hugged Patrick and clung to him for dear life. "It's okay. He can't mess with you now," Patrick reassured you soothingly. "Do you like him?" Patrick asked suddenly.

  "No!" You exclaimed, not missing a beat. "I, err...I like you," You admitted awkwardly. You averted your gaze, so you were surprised when his lips crashed against yours. You quickly kissed back, surprised but overjoyed he might like you back.

  You heard clicking down the halls and quickly pulled back. His eyes had a look of hurt and confusion for a moment, then he saw the teacher walking down the hall. "Start moving! You're late for class!" She commanded sternly. You darted off with Patrick on your heels, your mind still reeling from what had just happened.


A/N~ Dang teachers ruining everyone's time!


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