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A/N~ I dunno, I just thought this one would be cute :)


You smiled to yourself as you and Patrick walked down the sidewalk, a light drizzle misting around them.

A quiet, high-pitched cry caused you to halt. Patrick looked over at you questioningly; he must not have heard the sound. He opened his mouth to say something, but you held up your hand, promptly silencing him.

The wail sliced through the air again, this time louder. Patrick's eyes widened. "What is that?" He murmured, scanning the area.

You spotted a light gray lump peeking out of a street drain. You approached it and realized it was a small tabby kitten. You smiled and scooped it up in your arms. It let out a loud meow, exposing its small pink mouth and tiny, needle-like white teeth. "Aww," you cooed as Patrick came up behind you and rubbed the kitten's ear.

"So, are we keeping him?" Patrick inquired though he already knew the answer.

"Totally," you replied as the creature snuggled deeper into your body. You announced dramatically, "and his name shall be... Stormy!"

Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now