He Surprises You With A Pet

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  You sighed as you watched TV upside down on the couch. Patrick still wasn't going to be back from tour for a week. You absent-mindedly flicked through channels, unsuccessful in finding something you actually wanted to watch.

  You sat bolt upright as the door opened. Being your paranoid self, you thought someone had broken in. You rolled off of the couch, landed on the floor with a thud, and were on your feet in a matter of seconds.

You immediately calmed down as you realized it was Patrick. Shock and excitement flooded you and you grinned and hugged him tightly.

"Patrick! I thought you didn't come back from tour for a week!" You exclaimed.

"I decided to come home early. I have a surprise for you!" Patrick said excitedly, grinning. He disappeared out of the door and came back with a squirming mass of black and brown in his arms. It was a German Shepherd!

"Aww! He's so cute!" You gushed.

"I remember you saying German Shepherds were your favorite," Patrick said admitted shyly. "I figured you'd want someone to keep you company while I'm gone."

  You picked up the small puppy. He yipped and licked your nose. You pecked Patrick on the lips happily. "I love you."

"I love you too."


A/N~ Sorry for the shortness! What did you think about this chapter?


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