Delivery Boy

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You fidgeted impatiently as your friend called the pizza place. Your belly rumbled uncomfortably and silently willed the pizza to come soon. Finally your friend hung up. "What are we getting?" You asked.

"One medium cheese pizza and another medium sausage pizza," she replied.

"That's a whole pizza for each of us," you remarked.

Your friend giggled. "Who's complaining?"

You laughed and shrugged. "Good point."

You two passed the time playing a cheap board game until three loud knocks sounded from the door. "I'll get it," you volunteered, stomach growling at the thought of the pizza. Your friend nodded gratefully.

You fished a twenty dollar bill out of your pocket and walked over to the door. You opened it, and your eyes widened for a moment. You hadn't expected the boy to be so cute! His light brown hair hung over an eyebrow that hovered above gorgeous blue eyes
For a few moments you two stared at each other with the same awed, surprised expression. You were speechless for a second, then snapped out of it. "Uh, thanks," you mumbled, taking the pizza and handing him the twenty. You and your friend switched spots, you putting the pizza on the table and your friend getting the change.

You turned around and saw she was handing him a piece of paper. Is that her number? you wondered, feeling a little twinge of jealousy prick you. Your friend winked at you as she sat at the table. "Sooooo," she smirks, "I saw you eyeing the pizza boy."

You blushed faintly. "Was not," you protested like a child.

"Don't worry." Your friend winked again. You were beginning to wonder if she had something in her eye. "I gave him your number."

"What?!" You exclaimed, gaping at your friend.

She nodded, grinning mischievously. "I got you fam."


This one's really shitty but I wanted to give you guys an update so... SHAMOZZLE *throws glitter and runs*

Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now