Where Is Your Boy Tonight?

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   You bit your lip in fear as your boyfriend rampaged through the room, sending objects into walls and causing complete and utter destruction.

  He lost interest in trashing the apartment and stalked toward you. You tried to back up but you realized you were against a wall. You cowered in fear as he pulled his fist back to strike. A moment before he did you darted around him and fled the room.

   You could hear footfalls behind you but kept running, dashing out the doors and onto the sidewalk. It started pouring down rain and that's when the footsteps disappeared. You stopped and thought for a moment, panting.

   You decided to head for your best friend's house. You ran through the rain, then flung open the door without knocking. Your friend stood with complete shock. In the fight you'd been hit, so there was a bruise on your cheek and your nose was bleeding.

   "Oh my god! What happened, (Y/N)?" She asked and began fussing over you.

   "My boy- ex-boyfriend hit me.." You said, a bit embarrassed you had let it happen.

   Your best friend balled her fists up, then went to the kitchen and began to tend to your injuries.

   Patrick walked down the steps, then froze as he saw the scene in front of him. Patrick was your best friend's brother.

   He shot down the steps, but was blocked by (Y/B/F/N). "You can threaten him all you want after I tell the story." He blinked as she explained what had happened. His fists balled up and he was beginning to turn a little red.

   "Now you can threaten him." (Y/B/F/N) finished. He then started ranting about how he was going to kill your ex. You rolled your eyes affectionately.

   You knew he liked you, because (Y/B/F/N/) had told you. He didn't know that she had told you though. He also didn't know you liked him back.

   Your BFF stood back as Patrick continued to rant, admiring her nurse-work. She had managed to stop the nose bleeding. She ran up the stairs, probably looking in her makeup store for makeup to cover the bruise.

   That left you and Patrick alone. "I swear to god if he ever hurts you again." Patrick said, enveloping you into a bone crushing hug. His lips connected with yours before he quickly pulled back, flushing with embarrassment.

 "Um, sorry," He apologized, cheeks turning red.

  "It's okay." You said, smiling. "I like you too." He smiled back and the two of you connected lips again, and this time you kissed back.

 As you closed your eyes, you saw your best friend on the stairs grinning and giving a thumbs up.


A/N~ Gotta love best friends!


Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now