Music Vs. Crushes Part 2

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A/N~ This isn't exactly a part two because I didn't have any ideas, but it takes place right after the first. So it's a spin-off???


  You sat upside down on your bed, bored out of your mind. You and Patrick had started dating after the performance. In fact, everyone had started dating their crush. Patrick, Pete, Andy, and Joe burst into the girl's room suddenly.

  "The cult is here!" Patrick said.

  "And they know we play instruments!" Pete added.

  The cult was a violent group of people who hated music. If they found someone playing instruments, they'd be slaughtered.

  "They're gonna burn the instruments!" Alice wailed.

  "We're gonna die!" Madison added.

  "Are they here now?" You asked. Patrick nodded grimly.

  "Hide the instruments!" Madison commanded.

  There was a loud crash as the door was busted down.

  "They're here..." Alice said creepily.

  You rolled your eyes and crept down the stairs with the band following. Your eyes widened in horror as you saw the butcher knives they were carrying. Alice began to uncontrollably sob. The armed people turned their heads and ran towards you. You all ran to the girl's bedroom and locked it. They pounded at the door, and their knives pierced the thin wood. You disappeared into your closet. You came out with two baseball bats, three knives, a broomstick, and a hammer.

  "Sorry guys. This is all I could find." You said. You took the hammer, Patrick, Madison and Alice took the knives, Andy and Rachael took the baseball bats, Joe found a flower vase and Pete picked up a chair.  Just as Madison got her hands on her bat, the bedroom door was busted down with a thud. Alice let out something similar to a war cry and lunged for a cult member. slammed your hammer into one of them, hitting and breaking his neck. A cult member took Patrick's knife and tried to stab him, but he missed and lost his balance. Patrick slammed his elbow into the window, sending glass flying everywhere. He picked up a large shard and began to use that. You pushed the last member, who was looking out the window. He fell to his death with a sickening thud!

  "We survived!" Alice cheered, jumping up and down. Patrick had to lean back to avoid her swinging knife.

  "But will they come again?"



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