The Cock-Block (Part Two)

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  You ran outside. Your fists were balled up, your nails making crescent shaped marks into your palm. You couldn't believe Pete was so mad; she was just some stupid girl! And it wasn't fair, you were just protecting your best friend! And how could Patrick think you liked Pete? Thinking of their stupidity caused your anger to intensify.

 Then the anxiety set in. You had just said you liked Patrick. Practically the whole world knew now!

  You turned to see a figure running out towards you. You sped up your walking. You really didn't want to see anyone right now. You were suddenly grateful you hadn't worn a dress or skirt, so you didn't trip. You stopped walking and leaned against a large oak tree.

  You saw the figure from before was Patrick. You were unfazed. You knew what was coming. 'I'm sorry I said anything, blah blah blah, I don't like you, blah blah'. You braced yourself for a major heartbreak, but instead got a major shock when he enveloped you into a rib-crushing embrace.

"I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed. Is this a friend zone hug, or...?

  "I.. I don't think I like you..." He said nervously. You managed to be confused as your heart shattered into a million fragments. Why was he so nervous sounding?

  "I.. err.. I think I might love you.." He confessed. Your eyes widened in shock as he averted his gaze and rubbed the back of his neck.

  "I might love you too, Stump," you said, grinning. He smiled and pressed his lips to yours. You heard snickering in the bushes. You pulled away from Patrick and picked up a pebble, throwing it into the bush.

  "Ow!" You heard as a certain best friend's crush fell out of the bushes.

  "Pete!" You exclaimed, surprised and embarrassed. "What are you even doing, you weirdo?" You asked, walking over and nudging him in the ribs with your shoe.

  "Stalking you guys with (Y/B/F/N). Duh." He said, sitting up. You crossed your arms as your best friend crawled out of the bushes and sat next to Pete.

  "You two have serious problems." Patrick said.

  "I don't care, we'll be alone together!" Pete announced as he kissed your best friend.

  Patrick snickered as you commented, "More like crazy together."


 A/N~ Sorry for the short part. And just in case you guys were a bit confused, Y/B/F/N means Your Best Friend's Name.


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