Razors and Blades

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A/N~ WARNING: This chapter includes possible triggers. Read at your own risk~


  You smiled excitedly as you pulled into the driveway after a long day of work. You couldn't wait to see your long-term boyfriend Patrick.

  "Hi Patty Cakes!" You called jokingly as you twisted the keys out of the doorknob, shutting the door behind you. After a few moments of silence, you furrowed your brows. Where could he be?

  "Patrick?" You called again, beginning to search the house. You stopped as you noticed light seeping out from the crack in between the bathroom door and the hardwood floor.

  "Patrick?" You knocked on the door, a feeling of dread blossoming in the pit of your stomach. Something's off. You went to open the door, but it was locked. "Patrick?!" You yelled, panick streaking through your system. A low whimper sounded from behind the door. "Unlock the door!" You pounded on the door, becoming more and more desperate by the second. Finally you were able to break open the door.

  Patrick sat against the sink, staring at his currently unmarked wrists with a razor in one hand. He looked up at you, his brilliant blue eyes brimming with a sea of emotions.

  You ran toward him and fell to your knees next to him. You yanked the blade out of his hand and flung the thing across the room. Patrick didn't protest.

  "Patrick, why?" You sniffed, beginning to tear up as you held Patrick in your arms.

  "I-I'm not good enough," he whimpered, burying his face in your neck.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "T-the f-fans said I'm n-not worth any...any-" he trailed off as his voice and his self-esteem cracked.

  "Then they're not fans," you assured him, anger boiling inside. How could they treat him like this? "Patrick, don't listen to them; they're not worth it."


  "No buts. You are absolutely perfect just the way you are."

  "Really?" Patrick sniffed, tilting his head back to look at you with his wide blue eyes.

  You smiled at him softly. "Yep. Really."



Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now