Coffee Girls

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You and your best friend, Y/B/F/N, were serving customers together when a short boy with a fedora and glasses walked in accompanied by another boy with ink black hair.

"Wow," your friend gushed. "He is HOT." She sized up the boy with raven hair. You rolled your eyes.

  The fedora boy was kind of cute. Your friend practically ran to take their orders. The fedora boy ordered a blueberry milkshake, and his friend ordered a chocolate chip. You followed your friend as she made the milkshakes.

  You noticed she had made two chocolate chips. You blew it off, thinking you had heard the customers wrong, but made a blueberry shake for back-up. You followed her as she walked back to the boys.

  The fedora boy looked surprised, then smiled. "Thanks." He said.

  "Wait, he ordered a blueberry." The black haired boy pointed out.

  "It's fine, Pete."

  "You're so spineless, Patrick." Pete taunted his friend. You blinked and took your cue.

  "Don't worry, I got it." You said mostly to your friend, who was just standing there awkwardly. She shot a grateful look at you.

  Patrick's cheeks turned a sort of pink as you handed him the milkshake and your fingers touched. You grinned and he grinned back.

  "Thanks, (Y/N)," your friend said.

  "No problem."

  as you walked away from them, your friend hesitantly asked, "could you get Pete's number for me? I'm too chicken." She smiled sheepishly.

  You sighed and walked towards them. "Err, could I get your number?" You asked Pete awkwardly. Patrick looked crestfallen.

  "Sorry, I can't." He said, aware of his friend's disappointment.

  "Please! It's for my best friend!" You pleaded. He quickly changed his mind.

  "Okay, sure." He wrote down his number and based it to you.

  "Thanks." You said, then high-tailed it to your friend.

  She squealed, then walked back over to the table. She began to converse with Patrick, and you felt the faintest stir of jealousy. She came back and you immediately felt guilty for being jealous as she handed you Patrick's number. You grinned.

  "You are the best friend to ever exist." You stated, grinning.

  As the two men got up to leave, Patrick hesitantly stepped towards you. "Um, so you maybe wanna have dinner?" He asked.

  "Sure!" You said brightly and the two of you exchanged grins before he left. Your friend waggled her eyebrows. "(Y/N) has a boyfriend!" She sang.



Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now