The Rain

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It was pouring outside as you left your house. You had just gotten the worst call of your life: your grandma just had a heart attack. They weren't even sure if she would make it. The thought made you bit your lip to keep from crying. You moaned quietly and flopped down on the curb. You flipped you hood up to keep your (H/C) hair relatively dry.

"(Y/N)?" You looked up to see one of your closest friends, Patrick, looking down at you with a concerned expression. Shit! You thought. I didn't know he lived around here! I don't want him seeing me like this.

"Um... hi.." you said shyly. You wanted to sink into a giant hole and die of embarrassment.

"Are you okay?" Patrick didn't wait for an answer as he plopped down next to you. Your breath hitched slightly; you had always had a crush on Patrick.

"Uh..." You debated whether to tell the truth or not. "N-no.."

"What happened?" He slung an arm around you, pulling you closer into his warm body.

You told him everything about your grandma and the horrific call. The whole time he listened silently, stroking your hair.

"Do you want to come to my house?" He offered after you finished. "Maybe a movie or something can help take your mind off things."

You nodded quietly and got up, following him to his house. It didn't even occur to you that you were hand in hand.

Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now